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Appius the Builder Olim erat vir Romanus, Appius Claudius nomine.

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Presentation on theme: "Appius the Builder Olim erat vir Romanus, Appius Claudius nomine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appius the Builder Olim erat vir Romanus, Appius Claudius nomine.
Once upon a time…there was a Roman man named Appius Claudius. Magnum et longum aquaeductum aedificavit. He built a large and long aqueduct. Romani aquaeductum ab nomine Appi appellaverunt. The Romans named the aqueduct from the name of Appius.

2 Appius the Builder Aquaeductus bonam aquam in urbem Romam portavit.
The aqueduct carried good water into the city, Rome. Appius Claudius etiam longam et bonam viam ad oppidum Italiae Capuam aedificavit. Appius Claudius also built a long and good road to the city of Italy, Capua. Romani viam “Appiam” appellaverunt. The Romans named the road “Appian”

3 Appius the Builder Erant multae aliae viae in Italia sed Via Appia praecipue clara erat. There were many other roads in Italy, but the Via Appia was especially famous. That’s it for this page for complicating reasons. …Mostly laziness, but while we are here, this is a quote attributed to an aged and blind Appius. Quisque faber suae fortunae. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. Appius achieved the highest positions in Roman society- Censor, Consul, and Dictator. He pushed for the rights of the common people of Rome. Built the infrastructure to improve the lives of everyone in Rome In addition, he was an influential writer in Latin.

4 Appius the Builder In Via Appia multi Romani ambulabant. Agricolae frumentum portabant et amicos salutabant. On the Appian Way, many Romans were walking. Farmers were carrying grain and greeting friends. Inter feminas et viros erant pueri et puellae; cum amicis in via clamabant. Among men and women, there were boys and girls; with friends, they were shouting on the road. (er… chatting it up? Whatever the young folk lingo is for having a good and loud time with friends is called.) (being lit?) Magnus numerus agricolarum in villis prope Viam Appiam habitabat. A great number of farmers was living in the villas near the Appian Way.

5 Appius the Builder Diu laborabant, et multum frumentum carris ad villas portabant. For a long time they were laboring, and they were carrying much grain to the villas by means of wagons. Vita agricolarum erat bona. The life of the farmers was good….well, relatively for living a life of toil, dying around the age of 50, being a slave at the mercy of a overseer…oh! And then there’s the high infant mortality, death during child birth, dying of infected wisdom teeth, terrible medical care, eating bread all two meals of the day…ok, we should switch “bona” for “misera”…but at least they had a road! Appius Claudius patriam amavit et cum hostibus Romanorum semper pugnabat. Appius Claudius loved his country and he was always fighting with the enemies of the Romans.

6 Appius the Builder Via et aquaeductus in Italia hodie manent.
The road and aqueduct remain in Italy today. (Compare that to their empire and the rest of their legacy, children.) Voc/pl Vocab review: Aedifico, aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatum - To build erect Praecipue- ADV - Especially Maneo, manēre, mansi, mansum (remaneo, remanēre) - To remain


8 Decline the noun- Imperium, imperii- n Imperia - Commands as:
Nominative Plural Imperia - Commands

9 Imperium = Command (DO)
Decline the noun- Imperium, imperii - n as: Accusative Singular Imperium = Command (DO)

10 Puer, pueri - m Puero = to/for a boy Decline the noun- as: Dative
Singular Puero = to/for a boy

11 Ancilla, ancillae - f Ancilla = prep + slave Decline the noun- as:
Ablative Singular Ancilla = prep + slave

12 nuntiorum = of the messangers
Decline the noun- Nuntius, nuntii- m as: Genitive plural nuntiorum = of the messangers

13 Tuba, tubae- f tubas = trumpets (DO) Decline the noun- as: Accusative
Plural tubas = trumpets (DO)

14 Ramus, rami - m ramis = prep + branches Decline the noun- as: Ablative
Plural ramis = prep + branches

15 Decline the noun- Ovis, ovis - f as: Genitive Singular Ovis = of sheep

16 Soror, sororis sorore = prep + sister Decline the noun- as: Ablative
Singular sorore = prep + sister

17 Silvae = to/for the forest
Decline the noun- Silva, silvae - f as: Dative Singular Silvae = to/for the forest

18 Intermission! Somebody: *mentions ancient rome* me: ) °) ͡°) ʖ ͡°) ° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


20 Intermission!

21 Locative Party: It’s Where it’s At
Intermission! Locative Party: It’s Where it’s At

22 Intermission!

23 Intermission!

24 Intermission!

25 Frater, fratris - m Fratrem = brother (DO) Decline the noun- as:
Accusative Singular Fratrem = brother (DO)

26 Ignis, ignis - m Ignes = fires (DO) Decline the noun- as: Accusative
Plural Ignes = fires (DO)

27 Ignis, ignis - m Ignium = of the fires Decline the noun- as: Genitive
Plural Ignium = of the fires

28 arboribus = prep + trees
Decline the noun- Arbor, arboris - f as: Ablative Plural arboribus = prep + trees

29 Panis, panis - m Panis = bread …duh! Decline the noun- as: Nominative
Singular Panis = bread …duh!

30 Pons, pontis - m Pontem = bridge (DO) Decline the noun- as: Accusative
Singular Pontem = bridge (DO)

31 Mare, maris - n Marium = of the seas Decline the noun- as: Genitive
Plural Marium = of the seas

32 Mare, maris - n Maria = the seas (DO) Decline the noun- as: Nominative
Plural Maria = the seas (DO)

33 Mare, maris - n Mari = prep + the seas Decline the noun- as: Ablative
Singular Mari = prep + the seas

34 Arboribus to/for trees
Decline the noun- Arbor, arboris - f as: Dative Plural Arboribus to/for trees

35 Gens, gentis - f Gentes = clans Decline the noun- as: Nominative
Plural Gentes = clans

36 Civibus = prep + citizens
Decline the noun- Civis, civis m/f as: Ablative Plural Civibus = prep + citizens

37 Magister, magistri Magister = Mr. Whetsell! Decline the noun- as:
Vocative Singular Magister = Mr. Whetsell!

38 Mercator, mercatoris - m
Decline the noun- Mercator, mercatoris - m as: Nominative Plural Mercatores = merchants

39 Mors, mortis - f Morte = prep + death Decline the noun- as: Ablative
Singular Morte = prep + death

40 Animal, animalis - n Animal = …still animal? Decline the noun- as:
Accusative Singular Animal = …still animal?

41 Decline the noun- Navis, navis - f as: Accusative Plural Naves = ships

42 Navis, navis - f Navium = of the ships Decline the noun- as: Genitive
Plural Navium = of the ships

43 Navis, navis - f Navi = to/for the ship Decline the noun- as: Dative
singular Navi = to/for the ship

44 Mons, monts - m Montes = Mountains Decline the noun- as: Nominative
Plural Montes = Mountains

45 hostium = of the enemies
Decline the noun- Hostis, hostis - m as: Genitive Plural hostium = of the enemies

46 Finis, finis - m Fine = THE END Decline the noun- as: Ablative
Singular Fine = THE END

47 Student Duels Ready….GO! Rules:
First student to write the correct translation on the whiteboard wins Textbooks are allowed If both students are wrong or take more than a minute, then team that can get the correct answer to the board first takes the point. Ready….GO!

48 Olim erat vir, Appius nomine.
Give the Translation for the word: Olim erat vir, Appius nomine. Once, there was a man named Appius. Para ….Age!

49 Appius aquaeductum aedificavit.
Give the Translation for the word: Appius aquaeductum aedificavit. Appius built an aqueduct Para ….Age!

50 Appius aquaeductum aedificavit.
Give the Translation for the word: Appius aquaeductum aedificavit. Appius built an aqueduct Para ….Age!

51 appellaverunt They named Para ….Age!
Give the Translation for the word: appellaverunt They named Para ….Age!

52 appellaverunt They named Para ….Age!
Give the Translation for the word: appellaverunt They named Para ….Age!

53 ab nomine Appi from the name of Appius Para ….Age!
Give the Translation for the word: ab nomine Appi from the name of Appius Para ….Age!

54 Romani aquaeductum ab nomine Appi appellaverunt.
Give the Translation for the word: Romani aquaeductum ab nomine Appi appellaverunt. The Romans named the aqueduct from the name of Appius Para ….Age!

55 Romani aquaeductum ab nomine Appi appellaverunt.
Give the Translation for the word: Romani aquaeductum ab nomine Appi appellaverunt. The Romans named the aqueduct from the name of Appius Para ….Age!

56 They were laboring for a long time
Give the Translation for the word: Diu laborabant They were laboring for a long time Para ….Age!

57 They were laboring for a long time
Give the Translation for the word: Diu laborabant They were laboring for a long time Para ….Age!

58 Agricolae frumentum portabant
Give the Translation for the word: Agricolae frumentum portabant The farmers were carrying grain. Para ….Age!

59 Agricolae frumentum portabant
Give the Translation for the word: Agricolae frumentum portabant The farmers were carrying grain. Para ….Age!

60 Agricolae frumentum portabant et amicos salutabant.
Give the Translation for the word: Agricolae frumentum portabant et amicos salutabant. The farmers were carrying grain and were greeting their friends Para ….Age!

61 Prope Viam Appiam habitabat.
Give the Translation for the word: Prope Viam Appiam habitabat. Near the Via Appia he was living Para ….Age!

62 Magnus numerus agricolarum in villis habitabat.
Give the Translation for the word: Magnus numerus agricolarum in villis habitabat. A large number of farmers was living in villas. Para ….Age!

63 Magnus numerus agricolarum in villis habitabat.
Give the Translation for the word: Magnus numerus agricolarum in villis habitabat. A large number of farmers was living in villas. Para ….Age!

64 Appius patriam amavit et cum hostibus Romanorum semper pugnabat.
Give the Translation for the word: Appius patriam amavit et cum hostibus Romanorum semper pugnabat. Appius loved his country and always fought with the enemies of the Romans. Para ….Age! Boss Battle

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