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2 Philip’s ACHIEVEMENTS (Alexander’s inheritance)
- The Corinthian League

3 Alexander’s First Moves
After Alexander was proclaimed King, he had a number of immediate problems to solve, first inside Macedonia, then in the rest of Greece: He killed all rivals to the throne, including : - 2 of the 3 Lyncestian brothers (see Artus, pg.16) - Amyntas (Alex’s first cousin who claimed to be next in line for the throne) - Attalus (the Macedonian nobleman who had called Alex “an illegitimate heir to the Macedonian throne” - Cleopatra and her baby (Philip’s child) were killed at the request of Olympias. Alex was not involved in their murder 2. Punishing his father’s assassins

4 3. Carrying out a state funeral for his father with pomp and ceremony
4. Claiming loyalty given to his father was his hereditary right. In an effort to be accepted by Macedonian nobility, he promised to follow the principles of his father’s administration. Also announced that all Macedonian people were exempt from taxation. 5. Securing his position as leader of the Northern tribes (he travelled to the north to suppress rebellions and claim new lands) and leader of The Corinthian League (he visited the Greek states to also suppress rebellions and claim his herediary right to lead the Corinthian League).

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