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2010 Draft Budget.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Draft Budget."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Draft Budget

2 2010 Draft Budget - Draft budget is currently at $11,591,224, an increase of 4.55% in the requirement from taxation - The municipal portion of taxes for the median residential taxpayer is now estimated at an increase of .26% or $3.40

3 2010 Draft Budget - Budget changes since the last budget meeting on February 17th, with no change in the impact to the requirement from taxation: - $81,000 added to the dog park project, for a total of $106,000;source of funds are from $25,000 in development charges and $81,000 from other revenue sources

4 2010 Draft Budget - Budget changes con’t:
- Removal of Fire digital radio capital project - The 2010 median residential taxpayer assessment value was refined to $177,000 from $176,359 resulting in the estimated tax impact to the median residential taxpayer of .26% from .1%

5 Draft Budget Overview The following slides highlight the composition of the budget:




9 2010 Draft Budget Reserves projected to be $3.8m
Debt projected to be at $15.5m prior to finalizing the 2010 Asset Management plan

10 2010 Draft Budget Recommendation:
That the 2010 Draft Budget at an increase in the requirement from taxation of 4.55% be brought forward for adoption at the Council meeting of March 22, 2010

11 2010 Draft Budget Comments or considerations?

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