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Organized Labor Movement

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1 Organized Labor Movement
Chapter 4 Section 3

2 Organized Labor Movement
With the American economy growing it relied heavily on workers. Struggles between business owners and workers arose because of low pay and unsafe conditions. Finding ways to ease the tension were needed to keep the economy thriving.

3 Workers Endure Hardships
Long hours, dirty workshops, and sweatshops

4 Workers Endure Hardships
Women and children were put to work

5 Workers Endure Hardships
Some workers were made to live in company towns Made it hard for workers to make money because of cost of living

6 Labor Unions Form Consumer goods prices were low, but workers still could not afford them Protests began, using collective bargaining

7 Labor Union Forms The idea of socialism became popular
Public, not private should own nations wealth

8 Knights of Labor Founded by Uriah Smith Stephens
By 1885, 700,000 members

9 American Federation of Labor
Founded by Samuel Gompers

10 Strikes Rock the Nation
May 4, 1886 Haymarket Square Riot Protest over an 8 hour work day Violent riot, changed the views of unions

11 Haymarket Riot

12 Haymarket Riot Policeman Mathias J. Degan

13 Strikes Rock the Nation
Homestead Strike, Summer of 1892 Economic depression led to cuts in steelworkers’ wages Fought between Carnegie Steel Company and Association of Iron and Steel Workers

14 Strikes Rock the Nation
Pullman Strikes Upset over wage cuts without an decrease in the cost of living in company towns Halted railroad traffic and mail delivery Nearly 300,000 rail workers walked off their jobs

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