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How Can I change the speed of a Reaction?

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Presentation on theme: "How Can I change the speed of a Reaction?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Can I change the speed of a Reaction?
Target 5-3

2 Target 5-3 How can I change the speed of a reaction?
What makes one reaction happen faster than another one? What affects the speed of a reaction?

3 Reaction Rate The reaction rate refers to how quickly the reactants transform into products Faster rate = faster reaction

4 RECAP Remember collision theory: In order for 2 particles to react, they must have an effective collision They need enough kinetic energy to break bonds They need to be reactive They need to be in the correct orientation

5 Changing Reaction Rates
The reaction rate is dependent on the number of effective collisions More effective collisions = faster rate

6 BRAINSTORM To make the reaction rate faster, we need more effective collisions. How can we make more effective collisions happen?

7 Changing Reaction Rate
Change kinetic energy (temperature) Higher temp = more KE = more effective collisions Lower temp = less KE = fewer effective collisions **we can also increase KE by stirring! Change amount of reactants More reactants = more effective collisions Less reactants = fewer effective collisions **amount of reactants = CONCENTRATION** Change form of reactants Smaller pieces = easier to break down = more effective collisions Ex) Powders are good, chunks are not

8 A note about CONCENTRATION
Usually, a faster rate means a shorter time for the reaction to happen. When we increase concentration (amount of reactants), we are increasing the rate AND the amount of stuff to do Often, this means the reaction is happening faster but also taking a longer time total

9 A Note About Concentration
Example: A)If I am driving 70 mph and going 50 miles, it will take me 45 minutes. B) If I am driving 35 mph and going 25 miles, it will take me 15 minutes. Which scenario (A or B) had a shorter time? Which scenario (A or B) had a faster rate/speed?

Visit each station to explore and visualize changes in reaction rate My expectations for your MODELS: Models contain PARTICLES Models contain ARROWS (why??) I am NOT looking for an equation – I am looking for collisions! *Hint: Put your particles in a beaker *Hint: Draw two models for each so you can explain how we compare them (ex. low/high temp) I need an EXPLANATION of what you drew and why you drew it that way.

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