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Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT)

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Presentation on theme: "Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT)
Naveen Dandu and Brendan Gifford Dr. Kilina’s Group Theory Talk Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

2 Content Outline Previously on theory talks TDDFT HF DFT
Self interaction Functionals Basis Sets Numerical integration in DFT TDDFT Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

3 What does DFT provide? Atomic structure Total energy
Lattice parameters Total energy Electronic density Dipole moments Frequencies (IR, Raman) Ground state properties Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

4 What DFT cannot provide?
Electronic structure Optical properties Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

5 Why we need ab-initio studies?
To understand and explain the observed phenomena To offer a reference spectra to experimentalists To predict properties before the synthesis Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

6 What is TDDFT? DFT with time-dependent external potential is TDDFT
Hohenberg-Kohn theorem Stationary orbitals and density Time-dependent orbitals and density Runge-Gross theorem Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

7 Runge-Gross Theorem (1984)
Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

8 Preliminaries Time dependent Schrödinger equation kinetic energy
operator: electron interaction: The TDSE describes the time evolution of a many-body state starting from an initial state under the influence of an external time-dependent potential Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

9 Runge-Gross Theorem For a fixed initial state and given an analytic time dependent potential, the mapping to the time dependent probability density is injective. That is, for the same initial state, two different external potentials can not give the same probability density function ρ(r, t). Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

10 Runge-Gross Theorem Proof
Consider two systems of N interacting electrons, both starting in the same Y0 , but evolving under different potentials vext(r,t) and vext’(r,t) respectively: vext’(t), Y’(t) Yo vext(t), Y(t) Assume time-analytic potentials: RG prove that the resulting densities n(r,t) and n’(r,t) eventually must differ, i.e. same Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

11 Runge-Gross Theorem Proof
The first part of the proof shows that the current-densities must differ. Consider Heisenberg e.o.m for the current-density in each system, the part of H that differs in the two systems ;t ) At the initial time: initial density  if initially the 2 potentials differ, then j and j’ differ infinitesimally later ☺ Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

12 Runge-Gross Theorem Proof
If vext(r,0) = v’ext(r,0), then look at later times by repeatedly using Heisenberg e.o.m : * As vext(r,t) – v’ext(r,t) = c(t), and assuming potentials are time-analytic at t=0, there must be some k for which RHS = 0  proves j(r,t) vext(r,t) 1-1 Yo 1st part of RG ☺ The second part of RG proves 1-1 between densities and potentials: Take divergence of both sides of * and use the eqn of continuity, Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

13 Runge-Gross Theorem Proof
≡ u(r) is nonzero for some k, but must taking the div here be nonzero? Yes! Then assume fall-off of n0 rapid enough that surface-integral  0 integrand 0, so if integral 0, then  contradiction i.e. same 1-1 mapping between time-dependent densities and potentials, for a given initial state Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

14 Missing anything? Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

15 Time-Dependent Kohn-Sham system
Non-interacting Hamiltonian given by: Gives “determinantal” wave function: Which is constructed using a set of N orbitals obeying the following:

16 Time-dependent Kohn-Sham System
With time-dependent density: Such that Ps(r,t) is equal to the density of the interacting system at all times: So, if you know (or can reasonably approximate) Vs(r,t), you know everything!

17 Time-dependent Kohn-Sham System
The potential in this time dependent situation is given by: Runge-Gross dealt with this (Naveen did details).

18 Linear response TDDFT For a small time dependent external perturbation: The linear response of the density:

19 Linear Response TDDFT Within the linear-response domain, the variation of Hartree and exchange-coorelation potential to linear order:

20 Linear-response TDDFT
Inserting this this relation into the response equation for the KS system, the response equation for physical system gives:

21 Questions???

22 Source Some of the slides are taken from online available power points. Thanks to all of them. Naveen Dandu & Brendan Gifford December 8, 2018

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