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Motorola Professional Services

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1 Motorola Professional Services
Sobral Canopy pilot projects Brazil

2 Jaguariúna and Campinas

3 Coverage w/ backhaul unit (32 km)
Example of secondary cell Internet access Coverage w/ reflector (16 km) Prime coverage (3 km)

4 Telemar internet access
20 19 15 16 17 18 05 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 Telemar internet access 10 11 12 13 09 14

5 Sobral solutions showcase
Telemedicine Administration of public resorts: Model for city administration (Security, health, education) (Candidate to PMAT public fund for administrative improvements) Digital citizenship projects: Public Internet access points (free access) and mobile bus IP phone and IP TV service for communication w/ citizen; (Candidate to FUST public fund for telecommunication access) Access of remote communities of the North-East: Development of telemedicine (“Saúde familia”) Development of remote education Remote education Surveillance of public areas

6 Concepts of the pilot

7 Barriers for development of the North-East
Huge geographic extension of Brazil Heterogeneous social environments Heterogeneous economical environments Heterogeneous development levels Difficulty to integrate and administrate the national community Distance Isolation of remote communities Shortage of highways, railroads and communication insfrastructure Lack of resources to develop infrastructure Communication technology can break barriers e.g Cultural leveling per television or communications improvement thru phone/cellular coverage

8 Technology as a means to break barriers
Broadband Internet technology is a means to: Ensure virtual proximity of remote communities Facilitate country administration Promote social development (telemedicine, remote education, information) Promote national integration Canopy is the missing link to provide Internet in remote communities Broadband Internet services will unleash profound industrial and social changes, comparable to the changes resulting from the construction of highways or railways e.g. in the 19th. century in the US. Canopy has an huge potential in Brazil

9 Momentum Technological momentum: Political momentum:
Canopy beats competing technologies for most rural applications Competitors will catch up 2004 the latest Political momentum: Government focus on social development and national integration Anxious quest for new technologies to drive development Exposure of the Sobral experiment: Ministery of National integration (Ciro Gomes native from Sobral) Ministery of Health ( “Saúde familia” program - Dr. Odorico) Ministery of Education (National priority) Ministery of Telecommunications (Approval process in Anatel) Ideal momentum for Canopy AND for Motorola Brazil

10 Partners

11 Sobral: ideal stage to demo potential impact for Brazil
Cid Ferreira Gomes Mayor of Sobral Urban environment of Sobral Fairly developed urban area Internet expertise and access to telecommunications services Regional environment Underdeveloped region – low population density Precarious infrastructure / shortage of resources Precarious public services (health, education) Progressive administration - leadership in social programs Searching for ways to drive economic and social development Perceives technology as means for development Ongoing programs for social development (Click here) Dr. Luis Odorico Monteiro de Andrade PhD Director of social development and health

12 Edumed: provide solutions and open new markets
Prof.Dr. Renato Sabbatini Director Edumed research institute PhD Specialized since 2000 in development of solutions for: Telemedicine Distance education Multimedia service providing Webscasting and Webstreaming Excellent access to social partners: Maintained by a consortium of over 20 health institutes Profound familiarity with Brazil health, education and academic environments Partnership with numerous health, education institutions and Embratel Non-Profit institute certified for most public grants and programs Opens access to markets new to Motorola

13 Business potential

14 Expected demand for Canopy products and solutions
Overwhelming demand for Canopy and related Motorola products and services Security, education, health and administrative solutions for cities, state and federal entities 6,700 city administrations 500,000 schools 7,000 hospitals 85,000 public health care units 65,000 ambulatory units Innumerous public or private resorts to administrate Excellent platform to obtain development funds FUST: special fund for dissemination of telecommunication access: 800 Million US$ PMAT: special fund for improvement of administrative efficiency: 400 Million US$ FINEP From left to right: Prof. Sabbatini, Dr. Odorico, x. xxx (BNDES), René BNDES committed 600 KUS$ for Sobral pilot solution

15 Sales estimate Current US sales: 5,000 units per month Brazil sales
Just another ISP telecommunication equipment Brazil sales Canopy is THE solution for country wide low cost communication demand Will be positioned as Equipment for communication of Internet service providers (ISP) AND solution for Brazilian communities Estimate: > 5,000 units per month or > 4 Million US$ per month 50 Million US$ per year is a reachable target Canopy will strongly vitalize Motorola business in Brazil

16 Telexpo March 25-28 Video screen with recurring clips on:
Canopy system Belem ISP solution è ISP market Sobral community solution è Community market Small counter w/ Canopy mockups and min. attendance Conference from Edumed

17 End

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