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Presentation on theme: "BUDGET AND TREASURY Tutorial 1"— Presentation transcript:

Associate Professor Ph.D Ramona MARA Finance Department

2 Introduction 1. Short presentation 2. Objectives 3. Assessment
4. Details for short presentation

3 1. Short presentation In the tutorial classes will talk about subjects as: Public budget; the budgetary principles, the budgetary process; The government role, the public revenues and public expenditures Also we will solve practical applications concerning: Analysis of Romanian public budget The budget deficit and public debt.

4 2. Objectives The most important for the students: to pass the exam!!!! ))))) Other objectives: To understand the main concepts related to the public budget, to understand the problems correlated with the budget deficit and public debt. Describe the budgeting system for one country. To be able to realize a structural and dynamic analysis of public budget for one country.

5 3. Assessment Assessment : A. Short presentation 15% (1,5p)
B. Activity in tutorial classes 5% (0,5p) C. Final project 30% (3p) D. Written finale exam: 50% (5p) Some questions will require you to learn material and think your way through

6 4. Details for short presentation
1. Topic: Analysis of public revenues and expenditures for an EU country 2. Structure A. Short presentation of the country: population, gdp/capita…. B. Analysis of public revenues: the main categories % in total revenues; %of GDP ( ) comparative with EU28, EU15,EU13 C. Analysis of fiscal revenues: in this section will be analyzed the follow types of taxes: personal income rates, corporate income rates, social security contributions, VAT, excises, property taxes (contributors, rates, deductions, exemptions, reduced rates) (2015, 2016, 2017)

7 4. Details for short presentation
D. Analysis of public expenditures, the main categories as % in total expenses; % in GDP ( ) comparative with EU28, EU15,EU13 E. Analysis of budget deficit and public debt ( ) comparative with EU28, EU15,EU13 3. Time for presentation 30 min 4. Presentation on slides 5. The date and the country for each student will be establish today 6. This presentation will be included in the final project

8 References for realizing Short presentation
Eurostat Taxes in Europe Online database Taxation trends in EU

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