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Why Apprenticeships, why now? Apprentice Reform – Framework to Standards.

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3 Why Apprenticeships, why now?

4 Apprentice Reform – Framework to Standards

5 Apprentice Reform – Framework to Standards

6 The Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours
Each Standard was developed by the Employer group with the end goal of creating Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours that an Apprentice would master from 4 occupational areas: The principles of behavioural change from public health The fundamentals of sports coaching and leading fun and engaging activities The importance of community regeneration, delivering using insight and engendering social action The disciplines of youth work and an ability to evaluate and measure impact



9 Standards  Funding Bands
Two new qualifications that equip candidates for work in the sport and activity sector…… Apprenticeship Level Funding band Max Time to complete Community Activator Coach Level 2 £6,000 14-18 months Community Sport & Health Officer Level 3 £9,000 16-20 months Community Activator Coaches are more than activity and sports coaches – they understand people. He or she will be equipped with the specialist knowledge needed to effectively work with different groups of people and all kinds of individuals. The key role of a CSHO is to initiate behaviour change in local residents with regards engagement in sport and physical activity across local communities.

10 Employing an Apprentice
All Employers must be prepared to commit to…… The apprentice must be aged 16 or over The apprentice should be employed for 30 hours per week (min) and have a contract of employment for the duration of the qualification. The apprentice should be earning the minimum wage rate for an apprentice. (This currently stands at £3.50* for apprentices aged 16 to 18 and those aged 19+ in their first year undertaking an apprenticeship. Apprentices aged 19+ who have completed their first year must be paid at least the National Minimum Wage for their age.) Employers are required to release the apprentice for their training - 20% of the Apprentices time will be ‘off the job’ learning. * April 2017 figures

11 Additional Support

12 Additional Support + Extra support also available if….

13 1 2 3 What we hope Apprenticeships will achieve DEVELOP YOUNG PEOPLE

14 How we will do it – The Employer Groups
Firstly, we bring together a group of exciting employers that care about community & youth development Employers identify the key staff that can help shape and mentor these apprentices throughout the months. Working collectively with StreetGames high quality, relatable tutor & mentor . We will then work towards collaborative working with the employers and relevant partners to ensure quality training, events and opportunities for the apprentice group alongside their education.

15 Further discussion / Food for thought
Is there greater appetite / need for L2 or L3 Apprentices? Are you a Levy or Non Levy organisation? Existing and ongoing relationships with current training providers Bespoke training needs / requirements? What’s stopping you employing an Apprentice? In many conversations with employers we are finding two typical scenarios: Employer Scenario 1 – Person already employed / known to employer – They can draw down funding to support appropriate and excellent training Employer Scenario 2 – Employer wishes to create an opportunity for Apprentice in new job role.

16 Apprenticeships for Activating Communities
Questions? Thoughts? Comments?

17 More info / Who to Contact!
Visit: or Call: StreetGames Training Academy on or Paul Kendall on or Hannah Crane on Prospective Partner Plan: complete at Apprentice Prospective Partner Plan Facebook: StreetGamesSportsCharity YouTube: StreetGamesVideos

18 Apprenticeships for Activating Communities
Some Additional resources - (Use with caution, may damage your mental health!!) StreetGames branded materials The Standards – L2 downloaded here L2 Standard L3 downloaded here L3 Standard Employer Flyer - Download at Employer Flyer

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