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8 December 2018 How are engineering companies addressing the issue of energy efficiency?

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Presentation on theme: "8 December 2018 How are engineering companies addressing the issue of energy efficiency?"— Presentation transcript:

1 8 December 2018 How are engineering companies addressing the issue of energy efficiency?

2 When is 'energy efficiency' important?
12/8/2018 Focussing Questions: When is 'energy efficiency' important? What is 'energy efficiency' to a project developer? What is the measure of 'energy efficiency'? How does this impact on technology selection?

3 When is 'energy efficiency' important?
12/8/2018 When is 'energy efficiency' important? Limited or very high cost energy (water) supply Good corporate citizenship Operating costs optimisation Optionality – unreliable and multiple supply systems

4 What is 'energy efficiency' in project development?
12/8/2018 What is 'energy efficiency' in project development? Process selection - particularly comminution High efficiency drives High efficiency lighting Optimised materials handling (trucking, conveying and pumping) Optimised elevations Water recovery efficiency – (water can cost $4/m3)

5 $ cashflow, NPV, ROV What is the measure of 'energy efficiency'?
12/8/2018 What is the measure of 'energy efficiency'? kWh/t ore processed? kWh/t metal produced? t CO2/t ore produced (including inherent energy)? t CO2/t metal produced (including inherent energy)? $ cashflow, NPV, ROV Energy cost and supply risks are factored in Corporate 'good citizen' policies are considered

6 Ingenuity & insight – the Ausenco group
12/8/2018 Ingenuity & insight – the Ausenco group

7 A cycle Need Idea Innovation Cost reduction
12/8/2018 A cycle Need Idea Innovation Cost reduction Paradigm shift (only when cost effective)

8 Why doesn’t every one drive a Prius?
12/8/2018 Why doesn’t every one drive a Prius?

9 Energy efficient operation Cost inefficient
12/8/2018 Energy efficient operation Cost inefficient (unless you are a taxi operator)

10 Conclusions Energy efficiency is a sub-set of cost effectiveness
12/8/2018 Conclusions Energy efficiency is a sub-set of cost effectiveness The key driving forces are commercial Energy costs Energy supply limitations Revenue implications To optimise energy efficiency requires a 'business optimisation perspective' Cost People Energy

11 8 December 2018 Thank you Ingenuity & insight – the Ausenco group | July | 11

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