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American Government The Presidency.

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Presentation on theme: "American Government The Presidency."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Government The Presidency

2 “Informal” Presidential Powers
Bargaining Going Public

3 Bargaining Neustadt’s major points Demands exceed resources
“When one man shares authority with another, but does not gain or lose his job upon the other’s whim, his willingness to act upon the urging of the other turns on whether he conceives the action right for him.” –Richard Neustadt Neustadt’s major points Demands exceed resources Presidents succeed by appeal to self-interest of other actors Shadow of the future

4 Going Public Kernell’s major points
“A strategy whereby a president promotes himself and his policies in Washington by appealing to the American public for support.” –Samuel Kernell Kernell’s major points Going public incompatible with bargaining Rarely includes exchanges Entails public posturing—makes subsequent compromise more difficult Most successful when it exploits Americans’ distrust of politicians


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