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2 The Regression of Islamic Intellectual Thoughts

3 The Regression of Islamic Intellectual Thoughts
Abbasiyah Dynasty : Beginning of the 4th century of Hijrah (X-XI century). Focus of Islamic teachings: not on principal matters, but superficial ones (furu or ‘branch’) not on principles or articles of law within the Qur’an or Sunnah, but thoughts and preaching of Imams. Islamic Law stopped developing. Society  develops Legal thoughts  stagnant INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

4 Factors Causing the Regression
Division of the wide Islamic territory with the arising of new countries in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Political instability resulting in the instability of the freedom of thoughts. People could not freely articulate their thoughts, while legal experts merely chose (ittiba) or followed (taqlid) different streams of legal thoughts (mazhab). Depreciating authority of the control of legal development as a result of the crumbling unity of countries. Widespread symptoms of listlessness of thoughts experts could not utilize their free and responsible thoughts to cope with developments. INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

5 The Era of Islamic Renaissance
(19th Century until present) INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

6 The Era of Islamic Renaissance
Occurred in the 2nd period of the 19th century As a response to the attitude of taqlid. revival of Islamic thought arose as a reaction against the attitude taqlid, who brought Islamic legal setbacks. emerges movements jurists who suggested returning to the Quran and Sunnah. This movement is called Salaf movement (Salafiyah) who wants to return to the purity of the teachings of Islam in the era of the Salaf (= beginning), first-generation first. In fact, experts willing to execute ijtihad to solve societal problems already existed since the regression period. INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

7 Key Characters of Islamic Renaissance
Pioneers of revival: 14th century: Ibnu Taimiyyah and his disciple Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziah 17th century: Muhammad Ibnu Abdul Wahab influenced Padri Movement in Minangkabau (Indonesia) Political area: Jamaluddin Al-Afghani The establisher of Pan Islamism “God will not change the fate of a nation if it has not previously tried to improve its own fate” Mohammad Abduh Influenced by Jamaluddin In Indonesia, Abduh’s theories were followed by K.H. Ahmad Dahlan Muhammadiyah social movement and education Mohammad Rasjid Ridha influenced the international Islamic thoughts INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

8 Key Characters of Islamic Renaissance
According to Dr. Charles C. Adam, several programs executed by Mohammad Abduh to renew Islamic thoughts and ideas: Free Islam from non-Islamic influences and habits. Carry out revolution in Islamic education system. Formulate, redefine and declare Islamic teachings according to contemporary thoughts. Defend the teaching of Islam from Western influences or aggressions by other religions. Free Islamic countries from occupational authorities. INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

9 Mohammad Abduh In the society, poverty and low level of education are the major weaknesses in Islam’s society. Hence, the education is the only way to reconstruct the poverty and uneducated society. In this sense, it is also included about the understanding of Islamic Law. Society can’t interpret it wrong. Hence, they need education to understand the law, their law. The unlawful polygamy is prohibited. Because of that idea, he assumed that marriage law between Muslim is applicable to every Muslim. INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

10 Muhammad Abduh (cont.) About the mazhab : different ideas in community and the condition where one person has different thought with another is a common thing in society. But further, he denies the fanatic idea in every thought. For Abduh, fanatic is the wrong way to interpret Islam. Fanatic also can separate society into small groups. Because of this condition, Abduh, does terminate the fanatic side and tries to convince society to look for the main source: 1) Al-Quran and 2) Sunnah Muhammad SAW. Mohammad Abduh had the crucial role to teach about Islam to people. He taught in the country with Muslim as the majority and he teach Islamic country. INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

11 Different opinions The study of Islamic Law has grown so fast. The renaissance of Islamic law was continued with the new system in teaching, writing and reading. New system here means, if in the past era people only talked about the general matters in Islamic Law, but now in the renaissance of Islamic Law, people talk about particular circumstance and specific matters. According to Robert Jackson, a prosecutor from USA found the objectives of western people why do they study Islamic Law. First, Western countries feels worry after they found that Islamic countries against the communism. Second, the Western’s sight nowadays is way more objective to Islamic Law. INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

12 Different opinions (cont.)
Not only America, but European countries also study about Islamic Law. According to American scholars in Paris conference in 1951, the Islamic principles have the infinite value. Second, there are so many mazhab and it contains of valuable thoughts and technique of law. D. De Santilana, a law expert in Italia says Islam encourages Western people to study Islamic Law, because: Islam has law certainty in it and it’s really positive. Islam shows the rules and the technical rules in trade or limited company. Rene David, the dean of Paris University says Western people wants to study Islamic Law because now, it’s one of the largest law system in the world. INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI

13 Nowadays, even Islamic Law has been codified
Nowadays, even Islamic Law has been codified. It consists all of the structure and the law of Islamic Law. The materials have been codified in the 20th century. In Indonesia, there’s a system between the government and the Mahkamah Agung and Departemen Agama which is compiled Islamic Law consist of: marriage, inheritance, and wakaf. This compilation is agreed by the ‘ulama’ and Islamic Law’s expert. INTERNATIONAL CLASS-FHUI



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