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Biodiversity The variety of species living within an ecosystem

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity The variety of species living within an ecosystem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity The variety of species living within an ecosystem
What is an ecosystem?

2 Ecosystems Ecosystems consist of a given area’s physical features (_____ factors) and organisms (______ factors) Organisms that live together in an ecosystem are called a __________

3 Population What is a population?
A group of organisms that all belong to the same species and live in a given area

4 Cause and Effect Scenario #1:
A big boat that carries oil from Saudi Arabia to the United States hits a rock near the coast of Redondo Beach and spills a million barrels of oil into the ocean. How does this impact the environment? Scenario #2: You and your friend went camping in Yosemite and accidentally started a forest fire that burnt down a square mile of trees. How does this impact the environment?

5 When you alter an environment in any way, you alter everything that is somehow attached. Everything in an ecosystem is connected!

6 Producers & Consumers Sheep Shrimp

7 important for a healthy
Decomposers Which one is a decomposer? Why are decomposers important for a healthy ecosystem? The Earth would be one big pile of dead things!

8 Food chain Animals and plants are connected through simple relationships called food chains. Can you describe a food chain that you fit into? Are humans ever in the middle or bottom of a food chain? Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer

9 Mr. Haas’ Food Chain Shark Consumer The Best Teacher Ever Consumer
Tuna Consumer Mr. Haas’ Food Chain Sardines Consumer Plankton Producer

10 Food Pyramid (Food Chain)

11 Food Webs Nature really more like a web, not a chain.

12 Can’t we all just be friends?
Relationships Can’t we all just be friends?

13 Competition Two or more organisms compete for a limited resource

14 One species eats the other species
Predation One species eats the other species (predator-prey)

15 Symbiosis = living together
Examples: Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism

16 Commensalism One species benefits and the other species is neither harmed or benefited


18 Mutualism Both species benefit

19 Parasitism One organism benefits at the expense of the other organism
Crab Parasite Swimmer’s Itch

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