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Intro screen ECOLOGY.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro screen ECOLOGY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro screen ECOLOGY

2 Ecology Pt. 1 Ecology Pt. 2 Ecology Pt. 3 Ecology Pt. 4 Ecology Pt. 5 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 The study of living things and how they interact with their environment is _________

4 Ecology 100

5 This is all the areas of the Earth that contain living things.

6 Biosphere 200

7 What are all the same species in an area called?

8 Why are you looking at us?
Population 300 Why are you looking at us?

9 _____________ is all the living and non-living things in an area.

10 Ecosystem 400

11 A _______________ is all the different species living in an area.

12 Community 500

13 This is where an organism lives and gets its needs met.

14 Habitat 100

15 This is the average temperature and precipitation in a particular area.

16 Climate 200

17 These are organisms that break down dead organisms.

18 Decomposers 300

19 How much energy is transferred from one level to the next in an ecology pyramid?

20 10%

21 In food chains or food webs, what does the arrow pointing to an organism represent?

22 Who does the eating and gets the energy. 500

23 Name one example for each: Biotic Factor Abiotic Factor Human Factor

24 Biotic Factors: Disease, predators, prey Abiotic Factors: Wind, sun, flood, tornado, volcanoes Human Factors: Pollution, buildings, national parks, hunting 100

25 This is when organisms fight for same resources like food, shelter, mates.

26 Competition 200

27 __________ is your habitat plus your role in it.

28 Niche 300

29 ___________ is the term used for organisms depending on each other.

30 Symbiosis 400

31 Describe and give one example of each of the following:
Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism Predation

32 Commensalism: +/0 Bird nest/Tree
Mutualism: +/+ Shark/Remora Fish Parasitism: +/- Tick/Dog Predation: +/- Fox/Rabbit 500

33 What is the difference between Primary Succession and Secondary Succession?

34 Primary Succession: area that has never been occupied by living things and begins developing Secondary Succession: area that once had living things and was destroyed and then regrows

35 What is the carrying capacity of this population of rabbits?

36 Carrying Capacity = 90,000 rabbits
x10,000 200

37 Name this Biome Prairies Inland on N. America Fertile soil Little rain
Fires common Burrowing animals

38 Grasslands

39 Name this Biome: Hot Dry Africa Grasses Smaller trees
Inland so less rain Fires are common Large carnivores – Lions

40 Savanna

41 Name this Biome: Lots of rain but moderate temperatures
North West area – Oregon Redwood Trees – big

42 Temperate Rainforest

43 Name this Biome: Near Equator High Temps
High Rainfall >2 meters /yr High humidity Poor Soil Most Biomass (plants) Most Biodiversity

44 Tropical Rainforest

45 Name this Biome: VIRGINIA Deciduous Trees- Leaves change and fall
Fertile soil Broad leaves Animals – Birds migrate, mammals hibernate

46 Temperate Deciduous Forest 200

47 Name this Biome: Largest biome on the Earth Pine Trees (Conifers)
Winter long 6-10 mo. Snow is precipitation Animals – migratory, thick fur

48 Taiga (Borial Forest)

49 Name this Biome: Very Dry: Less than 25 cm of rainfall per year
Estivation – animals sleep during the summer Cactus – thick fleshy stems with wax covering with spines Nocturnal – active at night/sleep during day Get water from their food

50 Desert

51 Name this Biome: Coldest and Driest Snow covered No trees
Permafrost – perm. Frozen layer of ground Plants – mosses and lichen Brief summer Migratory animals White animals

52 Tundra

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