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Skills for This Week Vocabulary Words August

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1 Skills for This Week Vocabulary Words August 20-24 2018
Monday August 20– AR begins  Wednesday, August 22– Fall fundraiser begins; signed papers Friday, August 24- Spelling Test Vocabulary Test Reading Skills Assessment Addition Timed Test (3s table; students will have 3 minutes to complete the timed test) Reading: Recounting stories (fables), determining the main topic if paragraphs in a text. Shurley English: Parts of speech (noun, verb, adverb) Math: Addition and Subtraction Strategies. Addition Facts – 3s Table (see facts sheet) Students will be receive a practice-timed test on Thursday. Please initial your child’s behavior sheet daily and check for any notes in his/her folder. Folders will not be sent home on Fridays. - Wear TENNIS SHOES on WEDNESDAYS!! This is PE day. Check out our Facebook page: mrshaleyshappenings Vocabulary Words fable: a story that teaches a lesson moral: lesson about what is right or wrong entangled: to become twisted together with or caught in spare: to keep from causing injury to someone gnaw: to chew greedy: selfish trudge: walk slowly and without effort Long “i”: Short “i” shine wish 2. ride sniff 3. smile lick 4. line quilt 5. tie twin

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