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Vector polarimetry with HMI

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Presentation on theme: "Vector polarimetry with HMI"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vector polarimetry with HMI
Full Stokes I,Q,U,V allows inference of Vector Magnetic Fields More accurate velocities in the presence of magnetic fields through removal of Q, U & V to I crosstalk Flows around sunspots, Sunspot seismology More accurate flux determinations Total flux, as opposed to longitudinal True full disk magnetometry Limb fields, polar fields Steven Tomczyk HMI Science Team Meeting May 1-2, 2003

2 HMI Science Goals HMI will have: Full Disk Coverage
High Temporal Cadence Continuous Observations Evolution of magnetic structure of sunspots and active regions Magnetic shear accumulations and impulsive release Evolution of helicity in active regions Steven Tomczyk HMI Science Team Meeting May 1-2, 2003

3 Test global dynamo models
Role of the magnetic field in coronal heating and solar wind Field extrapolation from the photosphere to the corona Connection between magnetic fields and solar irradiance Steven Tomczyk HMI Science Team Meeting May 1-2, 2003

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