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Mid-Assessment – Creating a composition

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1 Mid-Assessment – Creating a composition

2 Lesson objectives To utilise content aware tools, adjustments and selection tools to make a magazine cover All students will create a magazine cover using the majority of listed tools Most students will use all required tools successfully and explain Some students will fully justify their use of tools, and select their own images to enhance the composition.

3 Photoshop Tools So Far…
Selection Tools Content Aware Colour Adjustments Cutouts Layers 1 2 3 4 5 I have never used this tool/skill before I know what this tool/skill is and can give it a go I know this tool/skill but need help from my teacher/ friend to get it right. I know this tool/skill but still make a few mistakes that I can fix by myself I feel confident using this tool/skill and have no problems I know this tool/skill very well and could explain it to others Complete your Levels diary for 1.2,1.3 and 5.1

4 Your task To create a magazine cover for The Big Issue using photo editing techniques that you have learnt so far. The task sheet is in the Student Resources folder.

5 The Big Issue is a magazine published on behalf of and sold by homeless or vulnerably housed people.
So who is it aimed it? It’s content is current affairs, entertainment and social issues. What should it look like? Covers are clutter free, bold, bright and modern. Lots of primary colours

6 How will my work be marked?
Your work will be marked out of 20 Up to 5 marks for your use of tools Up to 5 marks for your explanation and justification of tools Up to 5 marks for creating work suitable for a specific audience Up to 5 marks for the amount of effort you put into your work. The marks roughly equate to your Computing level.

7 Assessment diary As you complete each section on the task sheet you must complete your Assessment Diary. I am not looking for an essay! You must print screen your work and explain How you used the tool Why you used the tool you used

8 Level What I need to do Example 3 Identify Tools “I used the magic wand here” 4 Identify tools and explain “I used the magic wand to select the background and then deleted it” 5 Identify tools with detailed explanations “I used the magic wand tool to select all the white pixels. I then deleted the pixels to leave a transparent background” 6 Identify tools with justifications “I used the magic wand tool to select all of the white pixels. I then deleted the pixels to leave a transparent background. I used this tool because the image had a fully white background so it left a clean edge” 7 Identify tools, explain and justify adjustments made “I used the magic wand tool to select all of the white pixels. I adjusted the tolerance to 23 so that I would pick up the gray pixels that were around the hair as well. I then deleted the pixels to leave a transparent background. I used this tool because the image because the background had really similar coloured pixels so it was the more appropriate”

9 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
1 2 3 4 5 I know what this tool/skill is and can give it a go I know this tool/skill but need help from my teacher/ friend to get it right. I know this tool/skill but still make a few mistakes that I can fix by myself I feel confident using this tool/skill and have few problems I know this tool/skill very well and could explain it to others Use of tools(25%) Used one or two tools Used in a limited way Used all 3 tools (dodge, burn, sponge) Used all 3 tools(dodge, burn, sponge) Used adjustments Used all 3 tools(dodge, burn, sponge) an effective way Used adjustments in an effective way Used all the required tools and some additional skills to enhance the image Justification of tools and design decisions(25%) Labelled the use of tools with no explanation Labelled the tools used with brief explanation Labelled the use of tools with detailed explanation Labelled the use of a range of tools with detailed justifications Labelled the use of a range of tools with justification and explained how adjustments were made to create each effect SOAP(25%) No awareness of Audience and Purpose Some awareness shown Good awareness of audience and purpose on most elements Good awareness of audience and purpose on all elements. Astute awareness of audience and purpose on all elements Use of time & Effort (25%) No signs of effort during class assignments. Some effort shown but not working towards objectives all the time Good effort shown working towards the objectives. Excellent effort shown when working towards objectives. Student shows excellent effort and strives for their best

10 Assessing your work Complete your levels sheet for 1.2,1.3 and 5.1 and any additional tools which you think you have improved on. Peer Assess/Self Assess your work Remember: Be fair, be honest and be constructive – you must show that you can act on feedback!

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