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SEIZURES Ch. 15 J. Arzaga, MSN, RN.

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Presentation on theme: "SEIZURES Ch. 15 J. Arzaga, MSN, RN."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEIZURES Ch. 15 J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

2 Epilepsy Disorder characterized by recurrent seizures.
Clinical, detectable sign J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

3 Seizures Abnormal or uncontrolled neuronal discharges in brain, which may affect consciousness, motor activity, and sensation Partial (focal) Generalized (absence, tonic clonic) Special epileptic syndromes (myoclonic) J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

4 Convulsions Involuntary, violent spasms of the large skeletal muscles of the face, neck, arms, and legs. All convulsions are seizures, not all seizures are convulsions J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

5 Drug Compliance Seizure medications are gradually increased from smallest initial dose possible Additional medications added if necessary Serum drug levels necessary to determine therapeutic levels J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

6 Drug Compliance If seizure free x 3 years while on antiseizure medications, prescriber may attempt to withdraw medication under close supervision Withdrawn slowly, over several months. If seizure recurrent, resume medication “Rebound seizures” J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

7 Nurse’s Role Assessment: past medical history diagnostic studies
pathologic process causing seizures because type of medication prescribed depends on type of seizure experiencing J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

8 Nurse’s Role Common side effects: Drowsiness Dizziness
Postural hypotension Respiratory depression J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

9 Nurse’s Role = Patient Teaching
Reliable contraception Immediate notification if pregnancy occurs Report signs of excessive bleeding Report severe drowsiness Report sever bone pain Avoid alcohol and ginko biloba Teaching about disease and drug J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

10 Nurse’s Role = Patient Teaching
Avoid alcohol and nicotine OTC drugs and herbal medications Avoid driving, hazardous activity Take with food “Rebound seizures” J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

11 Mechanism of action: Stimulating influx Chloride ions
Delaying influx on sodium Delaying influx on calcium Glutamate helps to restore balance J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

12 Prototype Drugs Phenobarbital(Luminal) Diazepam(Valium)
Phenytoin(Dilantin) Valporic Acid(Depakote) Ethossuximide (Zarontin) J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

13 J. Arzaga, MSN, RN

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