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HL7UK Progress and Prospects

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1 HL7UK Progress and Prospects
Charlie McCay Chair-elect HL7UK

2 Standards never die They may fade out because no-one uses them (HL7v1)
They may become so stable that no-one thinks about them (HL7v2) They may be actively developed and maintained because what they are used for changes (HL7v3)

3 HL7UK – the mission

4 Founders objectives Develop a UK profile for HL7v2 (intra-organisation messages) Support HL7v3 for wider use in the UK

5 Progress report -- Organisation
 Largest HL7 affiliate by turnover  Strong representation within  Actively maintained website  Growing membership  Regular technical committee meetings  HL7UK200x an established conference  HC200x an established presence

6 Progress report – V2  HL7UK V2 profile published and passed ISB
 Ongoing v2.x implementations as part of NPfIT delivery  Little activity in HL7UK to support this  Limited input into v2.x developments

7 Progress Report V3 Development
Substantial input to the development, meeting UK priorities 15-20 people going to the US for WGMs

8 V3 Birth – HL7v3 has been gestating for some time, but the baby has been born Early years lots to learn surprising its parents need

9 Standards Lifecycle

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