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Compare and Contrast these 2 pictures

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Presentation on theme: "Compare and Contrast these 2 pictures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare and Contrast these 2 pictures

2 Birthplace of the Renaissance
Italy Birthplace of the Renaissance

3 The Middle Ages During the Middle Ages, Europe suffered from war & plague The survivors had a new attitude about life

4 Renaissance Renaissance: French for re-birth: A revival of art & learning from about 1300 to 1600 Began in Northern Italy & spread to rest of Europe

5 Italy’s Advantages There are 3 reasons why the Renaissance started in Italy: 1. City States Genoa, Venice & Florence- major city states

6 Italy’s 2nd advantage 2. The power of the merchants & Medici
Wealthy merchants dominated politics & business Merchants believed that people should be judged on their individual merit The Medici family ruled Florence

7 Italy’s 3rd advantage 3. Looking to Greece and Rome
Renaissance scholars wanted to return to the learning of the Greeks and Romans They drew inspiration from the Roman ruins around them & by reading ancient Greek texts


9 New ideas of the Renaissance
1. Classics lead to Humanism Humanists focused on human potential & achievements Believed that people should study classics (history, philosophy, geography, etc)

10 New ideas of the Renaissance
2. Worldly Pleasures People became materialistic: enjoy luxury items, tasty food, fine music Believed that you could love life without offending God Secular attitude

11 New ideas of the Renaissance
3. Patrons of the Arts Church leaders & merchants paid artists to paint & sculpt Wealthy have their portraits painted to demonstrate their importance

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