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Motorcycles small special attention approaching intersections, railroad crossings, bridges or when bad weather pass a cycle just like any other vehicle.

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Presentation on theme: "Motorcycles small special attention approaching intersections, railroad crossings, bridges or when bad weather pass a cycle just like any other vehicle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motorcycles small special attention approaching intersections, railroad crossings, bridges or when bad weather pass a cycle just like any other vehicle


3 refuses to summit 12 months suspension,
36 months suspension if refuses to second test in 5 years refusal use against them

4 Headlights Bright lights dimmed 500 ft. before on coming traffic
300 ft. before over taking another vehicle foggy weather use low beams dusk to dawn, poor visibility, using windshield wipers

5 official control device
It is against the law to leave the roadway and travel across private property to avoid this

6 Stop sign stop at marked white line, before entering the crosswalk
or before entering the intersection

7 Tires blows out, grip the wheel firmly and take your foot off the gas pedal, and let your car slow down before you pull off the road

8 Bridges there may be ice on them even when other pavements are clear

9 Alcohol - is the single greatest factor for fatal accidents

10 Headsets can not be worn while driving a motor vehicle

11 Skids if your vehicle starts to skid (rear end) turn in the direction of the skid

12 Televisions – can not be seen from the drivers seat

13 Running off the road – if your right tires run off the road, grasp the wheel firmly and ease off the accelerator

14 Seatbelts children under eight years old must be secured by a restraining system or seat belt anywhere in the vehicle. Drivers and front seat passengers (age eight and above) are required to wear a seatbelt

15 Flashing red light same as a stop sign - stop

16 Complete stop coming out of an alley, private driveway or private road

17 Curfew under 17 can not drive after curfew hours unless your with someone who is 21 years old and your parents must approve of that person

18 Hydroplane vehicle skidding on water, take your foot off the accelerator and let your vehicle slow down

19 Green light must first yield to any pedestrian or vehicle in the intersection

20 School bus – convicted of passing school bus you may lose your license for at least 3 months, don’t stop for a school bus? Moving opposite direction – 4 lanes or more

21 License revoked leaving the scene of an accident, drag racing,
under the influence of alcohol or drugs reckless homicide

22 Railroad crossing If no electrical device - look, listen and slow down; flashing signals – stop, wait for train, then check in both directions to make sure another train is not coming

23 Passing – get back in your lane when you can see that vehicle you just passed in your rearview mirror, (there should be 200ft. clearance between you an on coming traffic)

24 Shoulder – illegal to pass on it

25 Turn signal continuous turn signal in business or residential of 100 ft, 200 ft. all other areas

26 License suspension (related to DUI)
- .08 BAC, refuse to take test, any trace of controlled substance in your body test – blood, breath or urine

27 Intersections – many intersection accidents happen because drivers don’t slow down and look in both directions

28 Yield to any maintenance vehicle that is displaying amber (yellow) oscillating lights

29 Pavement markings – center line and yellow line on your side of road, no passing

30 DUI conviction high risk auto insurance rehabilitation program
lose license at least one year reinstatement fee

31 Drivers must carry proof of insurance have liability insurance
produce proof of insurance if randomly stop Drivers license Car’s Registration

32 Rear end collisions – most are caused by following to closely (not to fast)

33 Words of Wisdom 3/15 Ch 1 fill ins = 3/18 Video Organ Donation 3/21 Ch 2 wrote notes /22 Ch 3 wrote out /4 Chapter 1 drive right 4/5 Ch 4 fillin /6 Seat belt children 4/7 Distracted driving notes – 11/ 06 4/8 Ch 5 – ch 11 Question answers 11/2 4/11

34 Ch 6 wrote notes 11/9 4/14 7 /ch 8fill in 111/16 4/21 Ch 2 Drive right 4/27 Ch 9 fill in 4/28 and drew signs colored 4/25 Ch 10 write out 11/30 4/29 Ch 12 fill ins 5/4

35 Ch 10 write out 11/30 Ch 12 fill ins

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