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Bellringer Who wrote the 95 Theses? What are indulgences?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Who wrote the 95 Theses? What are indulgences?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Who wrote the 95 Theses? What are indulgences?
Who is the Holy Roman Emperor? What is a Protestant? TURN IN 95 Theses Homework on chair

2 The English Reformation
Ch. 1-3 (continued)

3 Henry VII Henry Tudor crowned King after winning War of the Roses
England finally peaceful after 85 years of civil war

4 Who’s next in line to the throne?
Arthur should’ve been next but he died at 16 His younger brother, Henry, was next in line

5 Baby Henry Young Henry

6 Henry VIII Became king at 17
Devout Catholic and outraged by Luther’s “Reformation” #1 priority is to ensure Tudor family stays on throne

7 Henry’s 1st Wife Catherine of Aragon From Spain Arthur’s widow
Both political & love match Catherine only had one surviving child – Mary I

8 Catherine of Aragon vs. Anne Boleyn


Henry asks Pope to annul his marriage to Catherine Under pressure from Charles V, pope refuses Henry VIII breaks all ties with Rome and the Act of Supremacy makes him head of the “Church of England” He divorced Catherine and married Anne

11 Many didn’t support the divorce, including Thomas More
More declared a traitor Sentenced to be hanged, drawn, and quartered More = Henry’s chief advisor Didn’t attend Anne’s coronation, refused to swear to Act of Supremacy Judged by Anne’s father, brother, and uncle

12 ANNE BOLEYN Only 1 surviving child – Elizabeth I
Henry was upset at not having a son, accused Anne of incest and adultery Beheaded

13 Tower of London



16 JANE SEYMOUR Henry felt she was his first “true wife”
Dies 2 weeks after giving birth to Henry’s only son – Edward Only wife buried with Henry.


18 Anne of Cleves

19 Kathryn Howard

20 Katherine Parr

21 Edward VI Henry dies in 1547 Edward became king at age 9 Protestant
Died after 6 years Named cousin Lady Jane Grey his successor

22 Lady Jane Grey Was Edward’s heir because she was Protestant
Queen for only 9 days Mary had her executed

23 Mary I Reigned for five years (1553 to 1558)
Used brutal force to make England Catholic again Unpopular (Bloody Mary) Married Prince Phillip of Spain No children Anne of Cleves came


25 Elizabeth I

26 Elizabeth I Queen at age 25, ruled 45 years
Never married (The Virgin Queen) Declared Anglican Church only legal church Made changes that appealed to Catholics & Protestants Religious peace at last! Possibly England’s greatest ruler England most powerful nation in the world under her rule

27 The end of the Tudor line
Elizabeth had no children Crown passed on to Scotland’s royal family, the Stuarts James I became king of both Scotland & England The United Kingdom

28 One king. Six wives. Three children.


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