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Two Sample Hypothesis Tests: Answers to Practice Problems

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1 Two Sample Hypothesis Tests: Answers to Practice Problems
#8.4 (2/3e)/ 9.4 (1e) #8.8 (2/3e)/ 9.8 (1e) #8.12a (2/3e)/ 9.12a (1e)

2 #8.4 (2/3e)/ 9.4 (1e) Problem information: Use the 5-step method….
s1=3.9 s2=2.0 n1=97 n2=100 Use the 5-step method…. Steps 1 - 3 2 random samples, Interval-ratio Sample is large n1+n2 ≥ 100, normal z-test Question: Are employment equity employees different?” 2-tailed test, α=.05, zcr=±1.96 Ho: µ1= µ2 H1: µ1≠ µ2

3 #8.4 (2/3e)/ 9.4 (1e) cont. Step 4: Step 5:
Zobtained<Zcritical therefore fail to reject Ho The difference is not significant and is random chance The employment equity employees were not significantly different from the regular employees.

4 #8.8 (2/3e)/ 9.8 (1e) Problem information: Use the 5-step method….
s1=2.7 s2=4.2 n1=40 n2=55 Use the 5-step method…. Steps 1 - 3 2 random samples, Interval-ratio Sample is small n1+n2 < 100, t-distribution t-test Question: Has membership reduced delinquency?” 1-tailed test, α=.05, df = n1+n2 -2 = 93, tcr= (reduced) Ho: µ1= µ2 H1: µ1< µ2

5 #8.8 (2/3e)/ 9.8 (1e) cont. Step 4: Step 5:
tobtained>tcritical (further out in tail) therefore reject Ho The difference is significant and is not random chance Membership has significantly reduced delinquency (tobt=-2.61, df=93, α=.05)

6 #8.12a (2/3e)/ 9.12a (1e) Problem information: Use the 5-step method….
Ps1 = Ps2 = 0.59 n1 = n2 = 82 Use the 5-step method…. Steps 1 - 3: 1 random sample, Nominal Sample is large n1 + n2 ≥ 100, normal z-distribution (z-test) Question asks “did the special program work?” 1-tailed test, α=.05, z=-1.65 (special has lower divorce rate) Ho: Pu1 = Pu2 H1: Pu1 < Pu2

7 #8.12a (2/3e)/ 9.12a (1e) Step 4: Step 5:
Zobtained<Zcritical therefore fail to reject Ho The difference is not significant and is random chance The special program did not reduce divorce significantly.

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