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Toroidal Fusion Shielding Design Project

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Presentation on theme: "Toroidal Fusion Shielding Design Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Toroidal Fusion Shielding Design Project
Final Presentation by: Matt Franzi Andrew Stach Andrew Haefner Ian Rittersdorf

2 Overview Fusion Power Goals Materials Design MCNP Simulations
Results and Analysis Conclusions

3 Fusion Power Fusing light nuclei together releases large amounts of energy D + T = He4 + n MeV Toroid is common geometry Image courtesy of wikicommons

4 Toroid Fusion Reactor Plasma contained in toroid vacuum with magnets
Wall of toroid Lithium blanket Energy of neutrons transferred Li Reactions 6Li + n = 4He + T MeV 7Li + n = 4He + T – 2.5 MeV Tritium is extracted from Li and inserted in plasma

5 Two Primary Goals Tritium production Energy deposition in the blanket
Tritium breeding ratio = tritium production flux/neutron flux Ideally keep this above unity Energy deposition in the blanket

6 Approach Slab model Toriod model
Initial simple model to get benchmark numbers Toriod model Ideal toroid model to effectively balance goals Energy deposition Tritium production

7 Materials Lithium Beryllium Tungsten
Tritium production reactions with neutrons Beryllium reflective properties (n, 2n) reaction Tungsten Will not contaminate plasma

8 Slab model Simplify walls to slabs to test: material placement
Material thickness

9 Slab model results 6cm Tungsten layer first Lithium layer

10 Final MCNP Model Toroidal Design ITER Size Boundaries

11 Model Cross-Section

12 Neutron Multiplication
More Neutrons = More Power = More $$ Find a way to produce more neutrons Layers of Neutron Multipliers Capitalize on the (n, 2n) reaction

13 Multiplication Layers
Sheets of non-lithium material Absorbs a higher energy neutron Produces two thermal neutrons Is this trade off worth it? Lithum-6 reaction with thermal neutron produces 4.8 MeV

14 Multiple Layers

15 Simulation Results

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