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Polk County School Board Geographic Information Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Polk County School Board Geographic Information Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polk County School Board Geographic Information Systems

2 Introducing GeoZone GeoZone is an interactive mapping application that allows the general public to find information about schools, locations, and corresponding zones. Take a look at some of its features and see what GeoZone can do.


4 After clicking the I Accept button on the disclaimer page, the next screen will be the default view. An overlay of school zones is presented in a street map view. The default overlay is Elementary Schools. However, the overlay can be easily changed by using the control at the top of the screen.


6 This is the zone overlay control. Users can select the type of zone they wish to see one at a time.

7 This is the information and search control featuring three buttons: the information, address search, and help buttons.

8 The layer control can select the street map view or the imagery view as well as show the school locations on the map.

9 The navigation control shows three buttons which are zoom in, full county view, and zoom out.

10 Clicking the Imagery button at the top right adds aerial imagery to the display. Landmarks become visible, which often helps when looking for a particular location for which there is no known address (i.e. bus stops, lakes). Lets take a look!

11 Entire county with imagery

12 Imagery zoomed in to Lake Region

13 School location information is provided by clicking the checkbox for Show School Locations. This directly corresponds to the school type selected in the center. If schools are close to each other they will appear grouped. Hovering over them will identify how many schools are grouped together. By zooming in, the schools appear individually. Hovering over the school provides a name, clicking on it will take you to the schools web site.


15 To further determine the zone information, an address search tool has been provided. This address locator will only find addresses in Polk County.

16 This button is used to launch the address search tool.


18 After entering the address information and clicking search, the application will navigate to the first candidate location. The application is capable of zooming in closer by using either a scroll wheel mouse or the control on the bottom left of the screen.

19 These are the addresses that are returned from the search. The selected address shows as a yellow flag on the map. Default Zoom Level

20 Zoomed In

21 The last feature of GeoZone is the ability to provide zone information by clicking on the map over the area to be identified. An information box will appear in the lower right hand corner containing information about each type of school representing that location.


23 Thank You! The Polk County School Board Information Systems and Technology Division in partnership with Facilities Services hopes you have enjoyed this tutorial. GeoZone is available to the public by visiting: Questions can be directed to:

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