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Medicines for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome

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Presentation on theme: "Medicines for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medicines for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome
Angela Lamb Paediatric Renal Pharmacist RHSC Glasgow 16/10/10

2 Summary Nephrotic syndrome First line management Vaccines
Prednisolone Prophylactic medicines Vaccines Second line management Third line management Questions?

3 Nephrotic Syndrome 80% minimal change disease
Median age of presentation is 4 years More common in boys Triad : Heavy proteinuria- lose lots of protein in urine Hypoalbuminnaemia- low protein levels in blood Oedema - fluid retention

4 Nephrotic Syndrome Relapse: Remission:
Albustix +++protein in urine for 3 consecutive days Remission: Albustix –ve or trace protein in urine for 3 consecutive days

5 Prednisolone First line therapy Immunosuppressant affect 90% respond
4 weeks daily high dose 4 weeks alternate day Reduce over 6 months

6 Prednisolone Advice Never miss a dose Do not run out
Always carry blue steroid warning card Take in the morning

7 Prophylactic medicines
Antibiotic: Penicillin V (Phenoxymethylpenicillin) Twice daily Prevent infection Stop when in remission

8 Prophylactic medicines
Ranitidine: Prevent upset stomach While on high dose prednisolone Stop when dose of prednisolone reduced to 10mg alternate days

9 Vaccinations All routine vaccines up to date
Live vaccines (3 months or 6 months) MMR Varicella (chicken pox) Pneumococcal vaccine (every 5 years) Flu vaccine (every year)

10 Second line management
Immunosuppressant: Levamisol Alternate day dosing Continuous treatment Ciclosporin 12 hourly dosing Check blood levels Other medicines can affect blood levels

11 Second line management
Immunosuppressant: Tacrolimus Every 12 hours One hour before food Blood levels check Other medicines can change levels Mycophenolate mofetil May be given up to four times a day Blood checked

12 Third line treatment Monoclonal antibodies Rituximab

13 Questions ?

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