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Vocabulary 2.

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1 Vocabulary 2

2 arouse hopes that will be frustrated
tantalize arouse hopes that will be frustrated

3 labyrinth a maze

4 unprincipled and crafty
Machiavellian unprincipled and crafty

5 laconic brief; concise

6 excessively sentimental
maudlin excessively sentimental

7 shock; excite; electrify
galvanize Galvanized steel shock; excite; electrify

8 lazy; sluggish; lacking energy
lethargic lazy; sluggish; lacking energy

9 ostracize exclude from society

10 liking the company of other people
gregarious liking the company of other people

11 egregious outstandingly bad


13 seemingly true but false
specious seemingly true but false

14 looking back at the past
retrospective looking back at the past

15 looking inward at one’s own thoughts and feelings
introspective looking inward at one’s own thoughts and feelings

16 cautious; watchful; careful
circumspect cautious; watchful; careful

17 expected; likely; potential
prospective expected; likely; potential

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