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Final Review In Text: Chapters 1-3, 5-10, 15-16.

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1 Final Review In Text: Chapters 1-3, 5-10, 15-16

2 Ch. 1: Introduction Why study PLs? Language evaluation criteria
Two main influences on PL design 5 paradigms Implementation strategies  Final Exam Review 

3 Ch. 2: History and Evolution
What are the major contribution(s) of each language? Examples: Support for recursion Introduction of block structure First in a paradigm First formally described syntax Etc. Most important to review: FORTRAN, LISP, ALGOL  Final Exam Review 

4 Ch. 3: Syntax and Semantics
BNF & EBNF What makes a grammar ambiguous? How do you disambiguate a grammar? What does it mean for two grammars to “generate the same language”? Operational semantics Axiomatic semantics Applying axiomatic semantics to code segments Loop invariants, 5 criteria Denotational semantics  Final Exam Review 

5 Ch. 5: Names and Binding What are the six attributes? What do they mean? Binding and possible binding times Type checking Two type compatibility methods Scope vs. lifetime  Final Exam Review 

6 Ch. 6: Data Types Primitive types Type constructors: Arrays Records
Unions Sets Pointers Design issues Type checking issues  Final Exam Review 

7 Ch. 7: Expressions Precedence rules Associativity rules
Order of operand evaluation Type conversions: widening and narrowing Type coercions vs. explicit conversions Mixed-mode expressions Relational and boolean expressions Short-circuit evaluation  Final Exam Review 

8 Ch. 8: Control Structures
Design issues Selection One-way Two-way Multi-way Iteration Counter-controlled Logically-controlled Gotos Guarded statements  Final Exam Review 

9 Ch. 9: Subprograms Definitions Referencing environment
What are the common parameter passing modes and mechanisms? Independent vs. separate compilation Advanced subprogram issues  Final Exam Review 

10 Ch. 10: Implementing Subprograms
Activation records Accessing locals Accessing nonlocals (static scoping) Static chains Displays Implementing blocks Accessing nonlocals with dynamic scoping  Final Exam Review 

11 Ch. 15: Functional Programming
What are the hallmarks of FP? Definition of FP terms Haskell syntax You may have to write a Haskell function  Final Exam Review 

12 Ch. 16: Logic Programming What are the hallmarks of LP?
Definition of LP terms Prolog syntax You should be able to read Prolog code You’ll have to write at least one Prolog predicate  Final Exam Review 

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