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The Effect of Class Size and Student Performance

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1 The Effect of Class Size and Student Performance
By: Greg Huffstetler

2 Need For the Study: Class sizes in public schools, particularly regular education classes, poses problem for most teachers. Teachers have too many parents to contact. Teachers are inundated with paperwork Teachers have limited control over large classes

3 What do students think about class size?
Figure 4: Portions of students that think that large class sizes has led to a poor academic performance.

4 Facts about students and class size:
The majority of students think: Students are more likely to cheat in large classes. Struggling students should be placed in small classes. Legislation should be in place for classes to be reduced in size. Teachers spend too much time dealing with behavior problems in large classes.

5 Why is class reduction not happening now?
(1) Teacher shortages (2) Over crowded schools (3) Available classrooms (4) Money

6 What next? Hard evidence showing the importance of class size reduction is a start that may influence school boards to pilot programs. Teachers and students rally for support from local officials supporting a new direction in education.

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