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Progress Report of Low-Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Task Force

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1 Progress Report of Low-Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Task Force
EWG50 Agenda 5b 50th Meeting of the APEC Energy Working Group (EWG50) Honolulu, the United States Progress Report of Low-Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Task Force 16 December 2015 Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan Let me briefly explain the progress of the Low-Carbon Model Town Project. 1

2 APEC LCMT Project -Selected Cities for F/S- Mandaue, THE PHILIPPINES
1) Three Pillars of the APEC LCMT Project (1) The Concept of APEC Low-Carbon Town Define low-carbon town in the APEC region Formulate the Concept of APEC Low-Carbon Town and Low-Carbon Town Indicator (LCT-I) Dispatch an APEC official liaison to ISO/TC268 in order to input the elements of the Concept wherever possible and adequate (2) Feasibility Study (F/S) Develop low-carbon strategies for selected towns (3) Policy Review Policy review to realize low-carbon town development conducted by experts APEC LCMT Project -Selected Cities for F/S- Phase 1 Tianjin, CHINA Phase 3 Da Nang, VIETNAM As all of you know well, the LCMT Project consists of three pillars. The first pillar is developing the Concept of APEC Low-Carbon Town which includes the Low-Carbon Indicators. The second pillar is undertaking feasibility studies for selected towns. This year, Mandaue City, the Philippines was officially announced to be a case town for the Project Phase 6 at the APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting in Cebu. The third pillar is conducting policy review which is based on the result of the feasibility studies. Phase 6 Mandaue, THE PHILIPPINES Phase 4 San Borja, PERU Phase 2 Samui, THAILAND Phase 5 Bitung, INDONESIA 2

3 2) 2015 APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting
APEC Energy Ministers commended the significant progress of the APEC Low-Carbon Model Town Project where the concept and the indicators for APEC Low-Carbon Town are being developed. The Ministers instructed the LCMT-TF to move the current LCMT Project into the next stage in order to disseminate Low-Carbon Towns in the Asia- Pacific region. At the APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting this year in Cebu, Energy Ministers welcomed the significant progress of the LCMT Project. Moreover, the Ministers instructed the Task Force to move the Project into the next stage with a view to disseminating Low-Carbon Towns in the region.

4 3) 10th Meeting of LCMT-TF Date 13:30-15:30, 15 December 2015
Venue Honolulu, the United States Participants APEC Economies, EWG Lead Shepherd, APEC Secretariat, APERC Reported Discussed Agreed Concept Progress of the Concept Progress of the LCT-I Feasibility Study Summary of the F/S report for Bitung Policy Review Summary of Policy Review for Bitung How to disseminate Low-Carbon Towns in the APEC region. Keynote speech by Prof. Ralph Sims, Massey Univ. Future plan of LCMT Project The 10th Task Force meeting was held yesterday here in Honolulu. At the meeting, the progress of the Concept and the LCT-I as well as the summary of the feasibility study and policy review for Bitung City was reported. Moreover, Task Force members discussed how to disseminate Low-Carbon Towns with the help of Professor Ralph Sims from massey University. Lastly, we agreed the future plan of the Project.

5 4-1) Concept and LCT-I (1) Refinement of the Concept
Basic ideas of a low-carbon town and effective approaches on how to develop it The refinement was conducted by Study Group A experts assisted by Task Force Japan and APERC Key refinement Incorporate the aspects of “Environment & Resource” and “Governance” Update low-carbon measures by reflecting technological progress Update low-carbon targets for APEC economies based on the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) for COP21 The Concept is the basic ideas of a low-carbon town and effective approaches on how to develop it. We made several key refinement. First, we incorporated the aspects of Environment & Resource and Governance into the Framework of the Concept. Second, we upgraded low-carbon measures based on recent technological progress. Third, we upgraded the low-carbon targets of each economy based on the INDC for COP21. Fourth, we added Multi Energy System including CHP. We also made minor changes. Add Multi Energy System (e.g. combined heating and power (CHP))

6 4-1) Concept and LCT-I (2) LCT-I
A set of indicators which allows an economy or a municipality to identify the actual situation of a low-carbon town development project through self-diagnosis Guidance as to which low-carbon measures can be taken in order to achieve the low-carbon targets and further develop the low-carbon town Assessment Achievement is assessed by a 5 star (★) system Advantage Local and/or central governments of the APEC Economies can monitor the progress of LCT development regularly Efforts toward the LCT can be visualized and used as a PR tool to attract domestic and international developers, investors and companies. The Low-Carbon Indicators or LCT-I is a set of indicators which allows economies or municipality to identify their actual situation through self-diagnosis. This is also a guidance for them to understand which low-carbon measures can be taken to develop low-carbon town. Achievement is assessed by a 5 star system. The advantage of the LCT-I is to monitor the progress of LCT development on a regular basis. Also, efforts toward the LCT can be visualized and utilized ad a PR to attract more investment. Moreover, APEC EWG has a liaison status in ISO TC268/WG2, where we have watched the progress of discussion and will input the elements of the Concept wherever possible. Information exchange with ISO Liaison status in ISO TC268/WG2 which is working on indicators for city services and quality of life in sustainable cities and communities Watch the progress of discussions and, wherever possible and adequate, input the elements of the Concept

7 Key results of the F/S for Bitung City
4-2) Feasibility Study (F/S) (1) Phase 5 The F/S for Bitung City, Indonesia, conducted by South Pole Draft F/S report will be sent to EWG members for comments soon (2) Phase 6 Mandaue, the Philippines, was officially announced to be selected as a case city for the Phase 6 at the EMM12 The RFP for the F/S has been just uploaded at the APEC website Key results of the F/S for Bitung City Propose 10 low-carbon measures (LCMs) Regarding the Feasibility Study, the result of the F/S for Bitung City was reported at the Task Force meeting and a draft F/S report will be sent to EWG members for comments and endorsement soon. As I introduced earlier, Mandaue City was selected as a case city for the Phase 6. Last Friday, the RFP for the F/S has been uploaded at the APEC website. The closing date is 8th January next year. By implementing proposed LCMs, GHG emissions can be reduced up to 22% from the SEZ Bitung BAU scenario

8 Focused areas of policy review
Policy review for Bitung City, Indonesia Date: 29 November to 2 December 2015 Policy review team consisted of 6 experts and APERC Secretariat Prepare draft policy review report including recommendation by January 2016 Focused areas of policy review Legal Framework Sustainable Urban Planning Transportation Low-Carbon Buildings Area Energy Management Systems Renewable Energy and Untapped Energy Planning Energy Efficiency and Environmental Planning Two weeks ago from 29th of November to 2nd of December, expert team was dispatched to Bitung City for policy review. There were seven focused area of the review including legal framework, urban planning and transportation. Now, the expert team is preparing draft policy review report, which will be sent to Bitung City by January next year.

9 Review team nomination
5) Action Plan 2015 2016 (Dec) (Jan) (Feb) (Mar) (Apr) (May) (Jun) (Jul) (Aug) LCMT-TF10 EWG50 LCMT-TF11 EWG51 Feasibility Study Phase 5 Final draft F/S Report Final F/S Report Phase 6 Contract with a consultant Progress Report RFP Concept Indicator (LCT-I) Draft Concept Refined Concept Site visits Final draft of LCT-I Application of LCT-I Final LCT-I This slide shows the short term plan of the Project. As I mentioned earlier, the F/S for Bitung City will be finished soon, while that for Mandaue City will start early next year. The Concept and the LCT-I will be finalized by the next EWG meeting. After that, we will use the LCT-I as a tool of disseminating Low-Carbon Town in the region. The policy review report will be finalized by the next EWG meeting. Then, we will nominate a review team for Mandaue City. Policy Review Phase 5 On-site Assessment Final draft report Final report Phase 6 Review team nomination

10 6) APEC LCMT Project Phase 7 and beyond
Japan has submitted the CN of the APEC LCMT Project Phase 7 in Session 1 Co-sponsor: the Philippines, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, the United States Expected start date: August 2016 Main focus of the Phase 7: a low-carbon development plan in inland region with high demand for heating and cooling system The Concept and the LCT-I System as a tool to disseminate low-carbon towns in the APEC region. Study Group A will help volunteering towns evaluate their low-carbon town development by utilizing the LCT-I System Based on yesterday’s discussion at the TF, the TF Secretariat will develop concrete plans for disseminating the Low-Carbon Towns by the LCMT-TF 11 Before closing my presentation, let me introduce Project Phase 7 and beyond. Japan has just submitted the Concept Note of the Phase 7 in 2016 Session 1. We received the approval of co-sponsor from the Philippines, Chinese Taipei, Thailand and the United States. If the Concept Note is successfully approved by the BMC, we will initiate the Phase 7 from next August. The main focus of the Phase 7 is a low-carbon development plan in inland region with high demand for heating and cooling system, which is not covered by the previous Phases. As I mentioned, the LCT-I System is a tool of disseminating Low-Carbon Town. In this regard, Study Group A will help volunteering towns to evaluate their own development by utilizing the System. Based on the discussion yesterday, the Task Force Secretariat will develop concrete plans for that purpose by the next EWG meeting. Thank you for your attention.

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