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‘Making Marking Matter’ Effective Marking: Selective, Effective, Formative and Reflective D.I.R.T Thursday 22nd August 2013 Rachael Edgar Familiar story?

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Presentation on theme: "‘Making Marking Matter’ Effective Marking: Selective, Effective, Formative and Reflective D.I.R.T Thursday 22nd August 2013 Rachael Edgar Familiar story?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Making Marking Matter’ Effective Marking: Selective, Effective, Formative and Reflective
D.I.R.T Thursday 22nd August 2013 Rachael Edgar Familiar story?

2 The best thing about being a teacher is _____________

3 Formative Marking Selective Effective Reflective

4 Marking Policy SRS 2013-2014 ( See p-g 8 of guide)
Acknowledgement marking- checking that the work has been completed and that there are no obvious mistakes that need correcting. (All work) Quality teacher marking- two stars and a wish (FB/FF) (At least 5 times per term, approx every 2 weeks) Directed Improvement and Reflection Time (D.I.R.T) (At least 6 times per academic year prior to data entry)  Quality marking by students- Peer and Self assessment (At least twice per term) Verbal Feedback (As appropriate to support other forms of feedback) FB FF D.I.R.T VF

5 SRS Correction Code- Marking for Literacy
Sp : Underline incorrect spelling (In margin instruct student to practice correction three times e.g. spx3) O : Punctuation is incorrect P : Punctuation mark is missing T : Verb tense is incorrect exp : Expression needs correcting (underline) ^ : To indicate a missing word or letter : A correct feature/ aspect // : To indicate a new paragraph is needed

6 D.I.R.T Reflection for Learning and progress..
DIRT Dates: : W/B: 29th Sept 2013 W/B: 24th Nov 2013 W/B: 26th Jan 2013 W/B: 9th March 2013 W/B: 4th May 2013 W/B: 8th June 2013

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