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Inspection of Explosive Sites Group 3

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1 Inspection of Explosive Sites Group 3
Break-out session 3 Inspection of Explosive Sites Group 3

2 Questions for discussion
B3-1 INSPECTIONS Main Question: How do you carry out inspections? How do you plan your inspections; choice of sites, frequency, topics and focus? Do you use the Seveso report as the basis of your inspections? How do you identify and inspect lower tier sites? What topics have you chosen for your inspections? How do you inspect lower tier sites and do you have the power to enter an unregulated site? How do you inspect ancillary sites and activities such as test ranges and disposal facilities? B3-2 FINDINGS Main Question: What are the main findings from your inspections? Are there significant differences between explosives and pyrotechnics/fireworks sites; culture, SMS, adherence to regulations? What are the main causes for concern arising from your inspections; culture, SMS and technical? Have you prosecuted and shut down operations and why? Has Seveso 3 made a difference to the operations on the sites? B3-3 RECOMMENDED GOOD PRACTICE Provide a list of bullet points which offer advice and good practice it other inspectors for inclusion in the final MJV report. How you inspect What you look for What you have found What actions you have taken and what do you suggest You may prepare this as you answer the previous two questions

3 B1-3 Recommended Good Practice Inspections Provide a list of bullet points which offer advice and good practice it other inspectors for inclusion in the final MJV report. The responsibility of the Mangement Content of the storage inline with safety report and permits Classifications, limitations given in permits Track and trace How to manage track and trace Conditions around Maintainance of critical equipment – is the critical equipment identified? Traning of operators How to use the deviation system – compliance Riskassessment - secuirty Emergency plans, exercises together with first responders «Housekeeping» routines Old products in the magasin and products that failed Competent authorities need to more decisive Difference between small and larger companies Important to know the classification of the explosives (both the owner and the inspectors) Focus on track and trace Management of change Traning of the staff – changes in the products How the management take their responsibility and manage the business Secure the deliver of performance Competence of managements and how the operators are trained Document the frequences of Checking the content of the storage How to manage track and trace The conditions around the storage Maintainance, critical equipments Can we combine inspections with other means? Open meetings with industry Information in combination with inspections Raise awarness (JRC: Need for more training of inspectors – training the trainers. Cross boardes?) What is a successful information Inspectors must be well prepared The inspection - «atmosphere» Legal inforcement – deadline for corrective means, use the instruments we have, withdrawal of permits, Follow up actions for inspectors when Increased quantity in the warehouse Product flow – overload of explosives? – imidiately reactions – same conditions for all the operators The products (CE-mark?) Updating the safety report Check up the followup of joint exercises and trainings with first responders (firefighters, police, ambulance) Transport safety and security Location of storages – safety distances and distance to burning materials – what if forestfires

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