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Computer Applications for Business

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1 Computer Applications for Business
Week 5 Spreadsheet Applications

2 Business Application Packages
Last Week Introduction to Spreadsheets “What if” models This week – More on Spreadsheets [Knight (1999) Ch.5] Choosing a company car Assessing the Business Case for an Investment Useful Excel functions – IF, LOOKUP A currency conversion example

3 Handling Numeric Data Last week we looked at spreadsheets as a way of recording and modelling business finances You should already know how to: Calculate results from a combination of values on the spreadsheet, using + - / * and the functions SUM and AVERAGE Copy and replicate cells Format numbers, money and dates Exploit the way that Excel adjusts row and column addresses when you copy formulae about.. .. and how to avoid it when it’s undesirable Create a simple graph to display data Let’s now apply these ideas to business problems

4 “What If” models Consider making a choice of Company Car (we should be so lucky!) Will depend on: monthly leasing cost, including extras how much of this the Company pays Tax payable (depends on list price of car) Fuel costs (depend on mileage and thirst) We can use published price and fuel economy data Plug in assumptions about distance covered Evaluate costs with and without options Then vary some of the assumptions Mileage, fuel cost, tax rates

5 Example from 1995 Fuel Price Allowance Personal Use Charge is:
Monthly Cost of Ownership minus allowance Extras: Add to taxable price Increase CoO Tax payable is percentage of value less PUC Gives cost to keep car Add fuel to compute total cost Fuel Price Allowance

6 Putting it together Then vary mileage, fuel price, tax assumptions...
The only extras I cared about Private Use Charge + Tax + Fuel Then vary mileage, fuel price, tax assumptions...

7 Making an Investment Decision
Business consist largely of taking calculated risks with the expectation of their being profitable How do we calculate the risk? And the potential gains to be made? A good guess is that “Tomorrow will be like today, unless somebody does something to make it different” So project forward the “Business as usual” situation And compare with result of making the change Justify any assumptions Cost out the impact of the investment Set goal for the profit that will justify investment Usually have “hurdle rate” below which it’s not worth the trouble of further investigation

8 Evaluate this Business Case
Your company issues its software on diskettes, and this is becoming a significant expense as the size of your product increases. You ship 1000 packages a week, and have been offered a CD-burner that can handle all your production requirements in 3 hours a day, but it costs £15,000. The blank discs cost £1 each, making them only slightly cheaper than the six 20p diskettes you currently use for each package. CD labels cost you 10p each, against the 2p for diskette labels. Assume that you need someone dedicated to the machine for one hour each day, to set up a production run – this is the same labour cost currently incurred setting up to copy diskettes. Assume also that your current diskette-copier is fully-depreciated, but may start needing maintenance in the next year. Work out the cost of producing the media component of each package. Do the savings obtained justify the proposed investment? What changes are likely to improve or degrade this business-case?

9 A Possible Approach Correct this error

10 An Aside on Dates Exercise – Work out how to produce these formats
Newspapers think the “Year 2000” problem was about 2-digit years in programs Reasonably true for Mainframe Computers Not a significant problem for PC users Spreadsheets store dates as offset from 1900 Unless you deliberately subvert this! What you see is just a result of formatting All these are different formats for “10/03/1999” Exercise – Work out how to produce these formats

11 Excel Functions We’ve already met SUM(range) and AVERAGE(range)
Other useful functions are: TODAY() gives today’s date NOW() gives current date and time (useful on print-out) WEEKDAY(somedate) gives day in range 1:7 (Sun=1) WEEKDAY(somedate,2) gives day in range 1:7 (Mon=1) Logical Functions: IF(test, value-if-true, value-if-false) for example IF(2=(WEEKDAY(TODAY())),"BS1904","Other")

12 Questions ?

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