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Jodie Billings, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

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1 Jodie Billings, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
An exploration of the professional identity of occupational therapists across their early career paths: Implications for leadership. Jodie Billings, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust Introduction: The issue of professional identity in occupational therapy (OT) has been long debated, as has its leadership (Turner and Knight, 2015; Rodger, S, 2012). Leadership literature indicates that a strong common identity is a prerequisite for successful, effective leadership (Lord and Hall, 2005; Ellemers et al. 2004) and the need for strong leadership is accepted as paramount in today’s healthcare climate (NHS England, 2014). This poster presents findings from an MSc dissertation in Leadership in Health and Social Care, undertaken at the University of Northampton, exploring the issues surrounding the professional identity of OT’s during their early career and the implications for the professions leadership. Methodology: The PIO framework was used to articulate the key components of the research question - Population (Newly qualified and student OT’s) Intervention (Professional identity) Outcome (Identification of implications for OT leadership) Electronic databases were searched systematically using key words, Boolean connectives and associated synonyms. From the 278 international, multi practice setting articles retrieved, 10 qualitative primary research articles from 1999 to 2016 were finally selected using a PQRS framework and critically appraised. Thematic analysis resulted in 3 main themes: Discussion: It could be argued that those who lack confidence and security in their professional identity and abilities may lack ‘leadership-readiness’. Those who have difficulty advocating for the profession could consequently struggle to lead it. Whilst focussing on acquiring a strong OT identity and role, those new to the profession may also struggle to acquire a leadership identity. By strengthening Communities of Practice, practice placement experiences, practice educators and supervisors skill and knowledge, this may allow for the potential growth of the dual OT/leader identity. Professional leadership - role modelling and confidence in professional skills and knowledge Education and preparedness for practice - Professional socialisation and theory/practice dissonance Communication - role clarity and understanding of the OT profession Findings: The resultant themes suggested that those in their early OT careers encountered challenges that impacted upon their ability to acquire and maintain a professional identity. These factors provided insight into how leadership capability and capacity may be affected. Discussion: Conclusion: These findings may offer support for the contention that, challenges to professional identity may impact upon the professions leadership. It suggests there is a need to strengthen the professional identity of those entering the profession to improve its future leadership capacity and capability if it is to operate in a changing healthcare system and not be fragmented nor politically disadvantaged. Recommendations: for further exploration were - The relationship between professional identity and leadership in OT. The conceptualisation of a dual OT/leader identity. How workplace support can assist professional identity development through revised supervision and mentorship models. The enhancement of practice education training. The impact of role-emerging placements on OT’s identity and leadership development. References: Ellemers, N., De Gilder, D. and Haslam, A. (2004) Motivating Individuals and Groups at Work: A Social Identity Perspective on Leadership and Group Performance. The Academy of Management Review 29 (3) Lord, R.G. and Hall, R.J. (2005) Identity, deep structure and the development of leadership skill. The Leadership Quarterly NHS England. (2014) 5 Year Forward View. Available from: [Accessed 14/05/16] Rodger, S. (2012) Leadership through an occupational lens: Celebrating our territory. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal Turner, A. and Knight, J. (2015) A debate on the professional identity of occupational therapists. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 78 (11)

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