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Drug Unit.

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1 Drug Unit

2 What is a drug? A drug is any thing that changes the way our bodies normally work. There are lots of different types of drugs that all have different effects on our bodies: Narcotics make us sleepy Painkillers block nerve impulses so we don’t feel pain Hallucinogens change how we respond to things we see, hear, and feel Stimulants speed up nerve impulses and make us feel alert Depressants slow down our nerves and make us feel relaxed

3 People use drugs for two reasons:
Recreational use: People use drugs to change the way they feel, they do not have any other benefit for the user. Medicinal use: People use these to help them get better from an illness or an injury. Most drugs are addictive, which means people become dependent on them and can’t stop using them. This can affect their every day lives.

4 The effects of alcohol abuse
Learning Outcome: All will be able to identify the effects of alcohol abuse Most will be able to explain the short and long term effects of alcohol abuse

5 Alcohol Number one most abused drug in the U.S.
Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT; slows the central nervous system. 75% of students have consumed alcohol by the time they graduate from high school. A standard drink contains approximately ½ an ounce of ethanol to 12 ounces of beer 8 to 12 ounces of wine cooler 4 to 5 ounces of table wine ounces of 80 proof spirits, or ounce of 100 proof spirits

6 Why do people drink? 2 minutes
In pairs write down as many reasons why people might drink. Decide on two reasons to share with the rest of the class. Write it down on post-its and stick it on the board  2 minutes

7 Reasons why people drink are..... Fitting in social groups
In UK alcohol plays an important part in ones social lives “Pub Culture” Social influence Reasons why people drink are..... Peer pressure Personal problems Fitting in social groups Trying to act grown up Job loss Stress relief Escapism

8 Describe what you see in this picture
Great Party!! I am having so much FUN!! Yeahh!!! I

9 What do you see in these pictures?
Why did I drink last night?? Ohhh I feel SICK!..never again... And WHO CUT MY HAIR??.... Drinking alcohol is socially accepted in many cultures and can be pleasurable in moderation. However, alcohol is addictive and excessive drinking causes many illnesses and problems

10 Regularly drinking too much alcohol can have an effect on an individual
Activity 1: Working in pairs- write down as many things that can happen to a person when they drink alcohol For example, get into a fight, memory loss etc….

11 The effects of alcohol abuse…
Liver damage (Cirrhosis) Obesity Reddened skin Stomach ulcers Heart disease Depression Insomnia High blood pressure Memory loss Confusion Alcohol dependency Mouth, throat, breast cancer Lack of money

12 Stomach absorbs alcohol into the blood.
When alcohol enters the body it soon effects the brain, carried there by the bloodstream. When alcohol effects the brain it alters its function. Affecting our ability to make judgements.

13 Effects of alcohol abuse
Feeling good Loss of self-control Lack of inhibition Lack of money Social relationships destroyed Slow reaction time – brain areas affected Alcohol dependence Cirrhosis of the liver Vulnerability to accidents Depression Weakened immune system – more infections Damage to brain – can lead to coma followed by death Short-term effects Long-term effects



16 Learning outcomes All will be able to identify the effects of alcohol abuse Most will be able to explain the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol abuse

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