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Mockingbird Analysis – Chapter 3

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1 Mockingbird Analysis – Chapter 3
Why does Scout beat up Walter Cunningham, Jr.? While walking past the Radley Place, Jem asks Walter if he had heard of the Radleys. How does Walter respond? By the time the children reach the Finch front steps, Scout states she “had forgotten he (Walter) was a Cunningham.” What does she mean by this statement? According to Walter, why has he been unable to pass the first grade? What does Scout do during dinner that results in her getting scolded by Calpurnia? When Scout questions Atticus about Calpurnia, how does Atticus respond? Describe Burris Ewell. Why does Burris Ewell get sent home from school? What does Atticus mean when he suggests Scout “climb into his skin and walk around in it?” What information does Atticus share about the Ewell family? Compare the Cummingham family to the Ewells. How are the families similar yet very different?

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