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Good Morning! Please take YOUR book card and a book.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning! Please take YOUR book card and a book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning! Please take YOUR book card and a book.
Please get out your homework and your stamp sheet. Fill out your book card and put it on the cart. You may need to write on the back. Get a Warriner’s Book and do pg. 78, ex.17

2 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee

3 The Author- Harper Lee 1926- born Nelle Harper Lee in Monroeville, Alabama Daughter of a lawyer Was a tomboy in her youth Grew up with Truman Capote Studied law at the University of Alabama, but hated it 1960- published To Kill a Mockingbird 1960- won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2007- awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom Was rather reclusive- lived very privately Passed away in 2016

4 Personal Connections Harper Lee Jean Louise “Scout” Finch
Monroeville, Alabama Grew up in the 1930s Father was a lawyer Mother’s maiden name was Finch Jean Louise “Scout” Finch Maycomb, Alabama Grew up in the 1930s Father (Atticus) is a lawyer Last name is Finch

5 Setting/Historical Background
1930s, (fictional) Maycomb County, Alabama The Great Depression (following the Stock Market Crash in 1929) Segregation/Jim Crow Laws are in effect

6 Map

7 Photos of Segregation

8 Themes Prejudice and stereotypes are unjust.
Courage comes from unexpected places. Heroes often walk beside us. Everyone deserves appropriate justice. There is always a need for human compassion. Individual conscience and morals are important. Growing up/maturing provides a wealth of experiences. Innocence does not equal ignorance. CONFLICT- MAN/INDIVIDUAL v. SOCIETY

9 Symbols Mockingbird- a small bird found in most of the United States that’s call is actually a medley of the calls of other birds. A mockingbird may have the calls of anywhere from other birds

10 Language Classes are often differentiated in the novel by their spoken language. Atticus- formal, proper English The Ewells et al- obscentities Calpurnia- switches dialects depending on to whom she is speaking Derogatory terms for African-Americans are used frequently in the novel- “nigger,” “darky,” “Negro,” and “colored” appear throughout

11 Characters

12 Jean Louise “Scout” Finch
Narrator (as an adult) Looks back at her childhood to tell the story Is six years old when the story begins Naturally curious tomboy who admires her father and older brother

13 Atticus Finch Father of Jem and Scout A small town attorney Widowed
Highly respected Good citizen Non-judgmental Instills good values and morals in his children

14 Jeremy “Jem” Finch Scout’s older brother
Looks up to his father, Atticus Watches over his little sister, Scout Smart Curious Compassionate Visibly matures as the story progresses

15 Calpurnia The Finch’s housekeeper
Intelligent, independent, black woman Mother figure to Scout and Jem (member of the family) Positive influence on the children

16 Dill Close friend of Scout and Jem
Visits Maycomb every summer to stay with his Aunt Rachel Tells exaggerated stories Has been deprived of love and affection for most of his childhood

17 Tom Robinson Young (in his twenties) black male
Works on the farm of Mr. Link Deas (white man) Married to Helen; father of three children Accused of a terrible crime that he did not commit

18 Arthur “Boo” Radley Recluse
Father “sentenced” him to confinement in their home because of trouble he got into as a teenager Enigma- mysterious character that no one truly knows, but many make up stories about him

19 Other Characters Miss Maudie Atkinson/Miss Rachel/Miss Stephanie
Bob Ewell/Mayella Ewell/Burris Ewell Walter Cunningham Sr./Jr. Aunt Alexandra Finch/Uncle Jack Finch Mrs. DuBose Sheriff Heck Tate

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