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The French Revolution becomes the Radical Revolution

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1 The French Revolution becomes the Radical Revolution

2 In September 1792, the newly elected National Convention began its sessions
Acted as the ruling body of France Abolished the monarchy and established a French republic Debated the fate of the king Girondins = favored keeping the king alive The Mountain = favored killing the king Mountains won January 21, 1793 – the King was beheaded on the guillotine Move to radicalism

3 The Guillotine Machine that the revolutionaries adopted
Believed to kill quickly and humanely Became the symbol of the Reign of Terror The Guillotine

4 Problems for the National Convention
Disputes between the Girondins and the Mountain Paris Commune putting pressure on the Convention for more radical reforms Some people of France refused to accept the authority of the Convention Foreign enemies who took up arms against France Outraged by the execution of King Louis XVI Problems for the National Convention

5 National Convention’s Response
The National Convention’s response to the problems Formation of the Committee of Public Safety Leaders included Georges Danton and Maximilien Robespierre Acted to defend France from foreign and domestic enemies Defense at home Becomes known as the Reign of Terror Defense abroad Mobilized the nation for war Raised an army of 1 million – largest ever in European history Pushed its enemies back National Convention’s Response

6 The Reign of Terror Led by the Committee of Public Safety
Revolutionary courts were set up to prosecute internal enemies of the republic Close to 40,000 were killed Most executions were held in places that had openly rebelled against the National Convention Meant to rid France of its rebels in hopes of creating a Republic of Virtue Republic composed of good citizens The Reign of Terror

7 End of Terror – Rise of the Directory
By the summer of 1794, Reign of Terror began to die down National Convention was able to focus on a new constitution Constitution of 1795 Established a legislative assembly with 2 houses Council of 500 Initiated legislation Council of Elders Accepted or rejected proposed laws Members of the legislative assembly chosen by electors 5 Directors were chosen by the assembly to act as the executive committee Becomes the Directory The Directors + the legislature ruled from End of Terror – Rise of the Directory

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