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Welcome to Accounting Dr. Kerby Instructing.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Accounting Dr. Kerby Instructing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Accounting Dr. Kerby Instructing

2 Class Rules and Procedures
Purpose: Create a positive learning environment What is Expected of You Arrive on time and prepared to learn. Read the daily announcement. Check your computer. Before you leave each day Hand in classwork Log off and leave area clean.

3 Graded Work Include your full name (first and last) on all classwork you hand in. Always use your own words; if you copy I don’t know if you learned anything. Hand in work on time an in the correct location. Late work will not be accepted. If you are absent check to see what you missed and make it up right away.

4 A Few More Points You are responsible for all missed notes and classwork. Use to stay up to date. Food and drinks are not allowed in the computer lab; no exceptions. Cell phones are not allowed as per school policy. ASK FOR HELP when you need it or if you do not understand something. This is your class so take advantage of it.

5 Accounting Why are we here?

6 Accounting IS … planning analyzing interpreting financial information
necessary for ALL businesses AND has many personal applications

7 Accounting Requires… basic math skills attention to detail
good organizational skills good communication skills oral communication written communication computer skills

8 What kind of learner are you?
Analytical or Global? What kind of learner are you?

9 Analytical or global? When it comes to… Analytical thinkers prefer …
Global thinkers prefer … Sound Silence for concentrating Sound for concentrating Light for reading/studying Bright light Very low light Room Temperature Warmer / heavy clothing Cooler / lightweight clothing Furniture Studying at a desk and chair Studying on a bed or floor Mobility Sitting still for long periods of time Moving around constantly Time of day for studying Morning; going to bed early Late day; staying up late (night owl)

10 Eating breakfast and regular meals
When it comes to… Analytical thinkers prefer Global thinkers prefer Eating Eating breakfast and regular meals Skipping breakfast; snacking while learning Learning Working alone or under the direction of one other person; being self-directed, independent Working in a group or peer learning; discovering rather than being told Tasks Working on one job at a time until done; being somewhat compulsive Starting more jobs than they complete; procrastinating Planning Making lists for everything; planning far ahead; putting tasks on a calendar; avoiding risk-taking Doing things when they “feel like it”; not planning ahead, but “going with the flow”; experimenting; trying things out

11 When it comes to… Analytical thinkers prefer Global thinkers prefer Deciding Taking a long time to make decisions; second-guessing decisions Being spontaneous in making decisions; doing what “feels right” Time Punctuality; wearing watches with large numbers Running late; wearing fashion watches with few or no numbers Neatness Neat, well-organized appearance; outfits that “go together” Disorganized appearance; clothes may not match Perceiving Seeing things as they are at the moment; noticing detail Seeing things as they might be; perceiving the whole; ignoring detail

12 When it comes to… Analytical thinkers prefer Global thinkers prefer Assembling Following directions step-by-step; starting over if they “get stuck” Studying a picture of how something will look when complete, then assembling it their way Thinking Logically, analytically, sequentially; seeing cause-and-effect; perceiving differences; figuring out things step-by-step; understanding symbolic code Intuitively and randomly; seeing similarities and connections; working backwards from whole to parts, from concrete to symbolic Learning Sequential tasks and concrete logical steps Learning through open-ended tasks; creating new ideas; learning through simile and metaphor

13 Accounting Careers Public vs. Private Accounting (more info) Auditor
International Accountant Forensic Accountant IRS Special Agent Comptroller Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Data from Yahoo ( List off accounting careers at

14 Welcome to Accounting Fall 2017

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