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Presentation on theme: "Worship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worship

2 What Is True Worship?

3 Let Bible Words Determine Bible Terms


5 “A consideration of the above verbs shows that it is not confined to praise; broadly it may be regarded as the direct acknowledgement to God, of His nature, attributes, ways and claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise and thanksgiving or by deed done in such acknowledgment.”

6 What Is True Worship?

7 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Attitude of Worship The Area of Worship

8 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship

9 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship “skill acquired by experience, study, and observation”

10 We Must Become Skilled Worshipers!!!
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Art of Worship We Must Become Skilled Worshipers!!!

11 How Do We Become Skilled Worshipers?
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Art of Worship How Do We Become Skilled Worshipers?

12 We Practice Worshiping For Experience
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Art of Worship We Practice Worshiping For Experience

13 “Perfect Practice Makes Perfect” “Practice Makes Perfect”
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Art of Worship “Perfect Practice Makes Perfect” “Practice Makes Perfect”

14 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship Practicing Worship Means…

15 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship Practicing Worship Means… Praying “every chance we get” I Thessalonians 5:17

16 “pray without ceasing”
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship “pray without ceasing”

17 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship Practicing Worship Means… Praying “every chance we get” Singing “every chance we get” Acts 16:25

18 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them”

19 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship Practicing Worship Means… Praying “every chance we get” Singing “every chance we get” Teaching “every chance we get” II Timothy 2:2

20 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
“and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

21 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship Practicing Worship Means… Praying “every chance we get” Singing “every chance we get” Teaching “every chance we get” Giving “every chance we get”

22 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship Practicing Worship Means… Giving “every chance we get” Galatians 6:10

23 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

24 Perfect Practice Worshiping = Perfect Worshiping Experience
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Art of Worship Perfect Practice Worshiping = Perfect Worshiping Experience

25 How else do we become skilled worshipers?
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Art of Worship How else do we become skilled worshipers?

26 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship We Study Worshiping

27 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship Studying Worship Means…

28 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship Studying Worship Means… Worshiping In Truth Worshiping In Spirit John 4:24

29 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” spirit and truth

30 What Is Worshiping In Spirit?
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship What Is Worshiping In Spirit?

31 It is the emotional resolve to follow truth
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship It is the emotional resolve to follow truth

32 “…one may submerge themselves in water throughout the Summer months in one’s own backyard pool. There’s nothing ‘spiritual’ about that act. However, to perform this act with a view toward reenacting the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus makes this event spiritual” Steve Higginbotham

33 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in spirit is… Not Just Emotion!!! Proverbs 14:12

34 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”

35 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in spirit is… Not Just Emotion Emotion Is Necessary Worship Gladly Psalms 122:1

36 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in spirit is… Not Just Emotion Emotion Is Necessary Worship Reverently Psalms 95:6

37 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in spirit is… Not Just Emotion Emotion Is Necessary Worship Joyfully Psalms 95:1-2

38 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in spirit is… Not Just Emotion Emotion Is Necessary Worship Attentively James 1:19

39 What Is Worshiping In Truth?
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship What Is Worshiping In Truth?

40 It is worshiping according to the divine pattern
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship It is worshiping according to the divine pattern

41 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in truth is… Singing according to the pattern Colossians 3:16

42 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in truth is… Singing according to the pattern Giving according to the pattern I Corinthians 16:1-2

43 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in truth is… Singing according to the pattern Giving according to the pattern Teaching according to the pattern Acts 20:7-11

44 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in truth is… Singing according to the pattern Giving according to the pattern Teaching according to the pattern Praying according to the pattern I Thessalonians 5:17

45 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in truth is… Singing according to the pattern Giving according to the pattern Teaching according to the pattern Praying according to the pattern Matthew 26:26-29 Remembering Christ according to the pattern

46 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship We Will Be Skilled At Worshiping God If We Practice, Study, & Observe

47 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Attitude of Worship

48 What should our attitude toward worship be?
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Attitude of Worship What should our attitude toward worship be?

49 It Should Be Rational And Sincere
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Attitude of Worship It Should Be Rational And Sincere

50 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Attitude of Worship There is a difference between form & faith Pharisees & Sadducees had form but little faith

51 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Attitude of Worship There is a difference between form & faith There is a difference between show & sincerity Many want to be seen rather than be sincere

52 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Attitude of Worship There is a difference between form & faith There is a difference between show & sincerity There is a difference between hypocrisy & holiness Many want to pretend rather than be authentic

53 Our Attitude Toward Worship Should Be Rational And Sincere
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Attitude of Worship Our Attitude Toward Worship Should Be Rational And Sincere

54 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Area of Worship

55 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Area of Worship Where We Are To Worship When We Are To Worship

56 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Area of Worship Worship In Public

57 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in public is… Worshiping with the congregation I Corinthians 14:26-40

58 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Area of Worship Worship In Private

59 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Worshiping in private is… Worshiping individually Matthew 6:6

60 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Area of Worship Where We Are To Worship When We Are To Worship

61 Every Time An Act Of Worship Occurs
The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Area of Worship Every Time An Act Of Worship Occurs

62 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
Every time one… Sings Prays Gives of Their Means Partakes in the Lord’s Supper Studies or Teaches God’s Word

63 The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship
The Art of Worship The Three A’s To Understanding True Worship The Attitude of Worship The Area of Worship

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