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The Atomic Bombs.

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Presentation on theme: "The Atomic Bombs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Atomic Bombs

2 Development of the Bomb
August 2, 1939: Einstein to FDR; Germany prep for A-Bomb US expedites research: “The Manhattan Project” Robert Oppenheimer oversaw project From : over $2 billion spent on Manhattan Project


4 Testing the bomb Codename: “The Gadget”
Testing Site: Los Alamos, New Mexico (Developed in Manhattan) Light of explosion turned orange- atomic fireball shoots upwards Light so bright, residents say “sun came up twice” Blind girl saw flash from 120 miles away Soil remnants: jade radioactive glass created by heat Scientists Reactions Isidor Rabi: equilibrium in nature had been upset Robert Oppenheimer: ecstatic about the success of the project, quoted Bhagavad Gita: "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Ken Bainbridge, the test director: "Now we're all sons of bitches.“ Several sign petitions against it




8 Prelude to the Bomb Battle of Okinawa US victory (Heavy losses) Proved
Japan would not win Japanese invasion = massive casualties Japan Post-Okinawa Japanese Cabinet collapses New pro-peace prime minister and foreign minister Japanese military refuses to listen


10 Hiroshima August 6, 1945 Little Boy Target: Aioi Bridge Enola Gay
Plane carrying bomb Dropped bomb at 8:15 Missed target by only 800 feet Losses 66,000 dead 69,000 injured Surrounding area Blast was half mile in diameter Total destruction: one mile diameter





15 Nagasaki August 9, 1945 Fat Man Missed Target Losses
Off by over 1.5 miles Still destroyed half of city Losses About 39,000 dead Over 25,000 injured





20 Aftermath Japan surrenders August 10, 1945 Post-bomb effects
Radioactive rain Leukemia passed to offspring from survivors high-altitude detonation can scramble electronics within 50-miles Atomic bomb tests common until Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)


22 Graphic

23 The Main Point: Why use the bomb?
Spent a lot of money on it Show other countries who was boss/intimidate them Wanted to save lives (Interact w/ History) Wanted total surrender from Japan (Why?)

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