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NETA-CET Hebrew for the 21st Century

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Presentation on theme: "NETA-CET Hebrew for the 21st Century"— Presentation transcript:

1 NETA-CET Hebrew for the 21st Century
NOTE TO PRESENTER: Don’t read the notes word-for-word – they are only suggestions! *********************************************************************************** Introduce yourself and your role in the school You can say something like this: “You may have heard that out Hebrew program has been changing and improving. I’d like to spend a few minutes telling you about some of the innovations so that you know what your child is doing in Hebrew class. I will leave time for questions at the end.” Mention that parents will have the opportunity to see the materials after the presentation

2 A comprehensive, cutting edge
What is NETA–CET? A comprehensive, cutting edge Hebrew language program for grades 6-12, used in over 130 schools worldwide A partnership between NETA and the Center for Educational Technology in Tel Aviv NOTE TO PRESENTER: Don’t read the notes word-for-word – they are only suggestions! *********************************************************************************** NETA has partnered with recently joined forces with CET, the Center for Educational technology in Tel Aviv. Together, they have been updating and enriching the learning materials we use in Hebrew classes. If you want to add more detail: The Center for Educational Technology is an Israel-based leader in educational technology. NETA-CET is engaged in a multi-year development process to revise, enrich and adapt existing learning materials and to develop new multi-media materials to support the advancement of Hebrew language teaching and learning.

3 The Goal To improve Hebrew language learning
by providing high-quality content and innovative technological tools

4 The Program: Language Skills
Speaking Writing Listening Reading NOTE TO PRESENTER: Don’t read the notes word-for-word – they are only suggestions! *********************************************************************************** We emphasize the development of the 4 language skills, so that students will learn to read, write, and converse in Hebrew

5 Active use of all language skills at every level
READING poems and books and texts WRITING letters and journals and s LISTENING to songs and news reports and lectures SPEAKING to friends, telling a joke, leaving a message NOTE TO PRESENTER: Don’t read the notes word-for-word – they are only suggestions! *********************************************************************************** We do this by providing endless opportunities for the students to use their language skills.

6 The Program : Content Jewish texts and traditions Modern-day Israel
General world knowledge Students need content in order to exercise their skills. The materials provide content for the students totalk, read, write, argue, and think about Give examples: Jewish texts and traditions: Magen David, Akedat Yitzhak, midrashim Israel: songs; places (the Negev; the Golan); historical events (Ahad Haam) ; sports General World Knowledge: moral dilemmas; solar power, Salvador Dali, animal life

7 Content Midrash conversation movies Jokes Art e-mail Bible
letters poetry Stories photos Essays News Skits Songs Ads NOTE TO PRESENTER: Don’t read the notes word-for-word – they are only suggestions! *********************************************************************************** NETA-CET exposes students to a wide range of Hebrew content, from classical to modern. Students encounter stories, nonfiction articles, notes, poems, songs and Jewish texts of different historical layers. Songs are central to the learning process, as music reinforces listening comprehension and connects students to Israeli culture and Israeli youth. Full color photos, reproductions, and cartoons appear throughout the books. Art reinforces visual learning and acquaints the student with Jewish and Israeli artists.

8 Assessments Homework, quizzes, projects, tests and portfolio work are used to evaluate and demonstrate student progress

9 What is new? Two new Bishvil Ha-Ivrit books have just come out in both print and digital form. They include new documentary films about life in Israel, and many new interactive activities. The Bishvil Ha-Ivrit books include: Glossaries of new words: Every chapter starts with a glossary of new words translated into English, Spanish, and Russian. Texts for independent reading: Each chapter includes texts for independent reading at home and follow–up assignments. Online practice exercises: Interactive vocabulary and grammar exercises allow each student to practice at his/her own pace. Everyday conversations: The book includes many everyday conversations. Students can practice leaving a message for a relative in a hotel, reporting a missing suitcase, or ordering a family-size pizza. Documentary films: These films were produced especially for the Bishvil Ha-Ivrit series and provide a look at “real life” in Israel today.

10 המקומות שיכניסו לכם קצת צבע לחיים
Current Events The website’s current events section is updated regularly המקומות שיכניסו לכם קצת צבע לחיים This article, from the Hebrew website Calcalist, introduces uniquely colorful places around the world

11 The Digital Book NOTE TO PRESENTER: Don’t read the notes word-for-word – they are only suggestions! *********************************************************************************** Students access the digital version of their print book with a unique username and password.

12 The Digital Book Professional recordings are embedded in the book and students can listen in class and at home- anywhere with internet access! The digital book allows students to hear texts with just a click of the headphone icon

13 The Digital Book Interactive activities and exercises are embedded in the digital book Clicking the hand icon leads to interactive activities and practice exercises that provide immediate feedback and the chance to keep trying until they get the correct answer.

14 The PAALULAN The Verb Machine
The Hebrew verb system is always a challenge. The Paalulan lets students look up and practice verb conjugations. They can hear the verb pronounced correctly, and practice with the interactive exercises.

15 We look forward to an exciting school year
בהצלחה!! We look forward to an exciting school year Suggestion: Say a few words about your school’s Hebrew department. You can also insert a picture of your students at work!

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