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Division of Food and Recreational Safety

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Presentation on theme: "Division of Food and Recreational Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 Division of Food and Recreational Safety
Peter Hesprich WDATCP Supervisor 1

2 Industry Appointed Tanker Inspector (ATI)
Is this a good idea for your organization? 2

3 Overview What is the Industry Appointed Tanker Inspector Program?
How does the inspection process work? How do we monitor the ATI Benefits to be an ATI Where are we at with the ATI program 3

4 What is the ATI Program Where industry is certified to conduct tanker inspections Oversight by the Department Work together for a common goal This is a program where industry and regulators work together so we meet the rule to inspect all tankers in the state. The PMO allows the state to have industry inspect the tankers. There is over sight from the Department to make sure inspections are being properly conducted. Every 6 months we do a records review. Department and industry working together to get all tankers inspected in order to comply with the rule 4

5 What is the reason for the ATI program
There are permitted tankers in WI PMO requires all tankers are to be inspected annually Help achieve a passing score during federal survey Need a current inspection report to renew tanker permit There are so many tankers in WI that we have a hard time to get to all of them, with the help of industry we are able to accomplish this. To follow the PMO and Wi regulations all tankers need to have an inspection each year and that inspection report must accompany the license for renewal. During a Federal survey, plants have points deducted when tankers are not inspected annually New permitting requirements are that the yearly inspection report must accompany the renewal in order for us to issue the permit 5

6 ATI Program ATI needs to be assigned to a dairy plant
Send in an application Sanitarian will conduct the training/certification Conducted at a licensed or permitted facility To be an ATI you will need to have a sponsoring dairy plant. Application must be signed by the sponsoring dairy plant manager. The application is sent in to the Eau Claire office, from there it is assigned to a sanitarian. Sanitarian will conduct the training involved in certifying an ATI, this consists of a training power point presentation going over what is expected of an inspection and what are we looking for during an inspection. These inspections must be conducted inside a permitted intake or receiving station 6

7 ATI program Continued View power point presentation
Go over all forms and guidelines Ask questions Inspect 5 bulk milk trucks/tankers Sanitarian will show the power point presentation, which will explain each debit on the inspection report. The sanitarian will answer any questions you have For the initial certification you will need to inspect 5 milk trucks/tankers 7

8 ATI program Continued Inspection reports will be reviewed by sanitarian ATI will need a passing score of 80% Receive your certificate and certification number. Certification is good for 3 years After each truck is inspected the sanitarian will go over the debits noted on the inspection and compare to the debits the certifiying ATI observed You will need a passing score of 80%-this means you must have observed the same violations on 4 of the 5 trucks inspected. Paper work is sent into the Eau Claire office and a certification number will be assigned to each ATI with a passing score Certification is good for 3 years 8

9 Requirements after certification
Maintain a file with the following Certificate Appointment letter Annual training received A copy of all inspection that were conducted Copy of the record reviews conducted by WDATCP Maintain records for 3 years Reports can be sent several ways-mail, fax or electronically You will need to keep a file at the sponsoring plant with the following information in it. -Certificate -appointment letter -Annual training received, which could be going to the field reps convention to working with sanitarain when he/she is there to conduct an inspection. Need to keep a log of this training. -Copy of all inspections that were conducted -a copy of the reviews conducted by the sanitarian -Records must be maintained for a t least 3 years 9

10 Win-Win for all Better working relation with industry and regulators
Tankers inspected on a timely basis Inspections can be scheduled easier with industry Local contacts Intake personnel are doing a better job in the intake The relationship with industry and regulators is stronger because they are working together and industry understands what is expected of them. Tankers are inspected on a timely basis Inspections can be scheduled with less hassle for the haulers since they are coming into the intake on a daily basis. The biggest comment I have heard from ATI staff is that they are doing a better job in the course of their day-they look at tankers in a different light. 10

11 Questions from industry
Can we get paid for do them What’s in it for us? Isn't it a conflict of interest when inspecting at our plant and our tankers? I have heard some concerns as to why industry should do these inspections. No you are unable to charge to do the inspection, currently legislature has changed the regulations so that we cant charge for the inspection either. The program is designed for industry and the state to work together to maintain a good milk supply to the dairy plant. The only way that there is a conflict of interest is if you let it be a conflict. If you follow the regulations and directions that you will be taught you are only doing your job and the conflict is no longer an issue 11

12 Where are we at with ATI’s
Currently we have approximately 100 ATI inspectors We have pulled the certification from some ATI’s since the were not conducting the inspections according to the regulations Currently we have over a 100 ATI certified We monitor the ATI program and if someone is abusing the program we will and have pulled certifications- 12

13 Comments from Industry
It gets the plant involved more on conducting inspections We learn more by conducting inspections ourselves Tankers are in better condition than they were in the past-we see the violations and address problems as they arise Our intake personnel are doing a better job cleaning and watching for violations We see the tankers everyday so we can address problems when they occur 13

14 Comments from Industry Continued
Builds a stronger relationship between State and industry It’s a positive for industry, we control our milk shipments Haulers can work with and schedule with local plant-its who we work with everyday WIN-Win for all involved 14

15 Thank You Questions? 15

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