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Four corners The worst crime.

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Presentation on theme: "Four corners The worst crime."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four corners The worst crime

2 Four corners Rules: Raise your hand to speak
Respect each others opinions You must choose a corner Use evidence to support your thoughts!

3 Crashing a party is okay

4 Giving the finger to someone is always okay

5 Cursing in public or at school is okay

6 Having a feud with another family or person for no specific reason is okay

7 Marrying for money is okay!

8 Picking a fight is okay!

9 Lying to your parents is okay!

10 Planning to trick someone is okay!

11 Selling poison is okay!

12 Killing someone by mistake while fighting is okay!

13 Killing for revenge is okay!

14 Killing in self defense is okay!

15 Marrying against your parents wishes is okay!

16 Exit slip Which “crime” is the worst in your opinion and why? What kind of punishment should this crime have? Which “crime” is the least terrible in your opinion and why? What kind of punishment should this crime have?

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