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Courtesy: Sahaja Internet Team Administration (SITA)

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1 Courtesy: Sahaja Internet Team Administration (SITA)
Copyright Info All contents are copyrighted to Nirmal Transformation Pvt.Ltd. Unauthorised copying and distribution of the content is strictly prohibited Courtesy: Sahaja Internet Team Administration (SITA)

2 Intermediate Course Week 7
The Agnya Chakra Intermediate Course Week 7

3 The Agnya Chakra We’ll talk about Knowledge Experience Benefits
How to balance

4 Agnya Knowledge “The Agnya Chakra, sometimes called the third eye, is situated at the center of the base of the brain area, and represents the sixth stage of man’s evolution.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

5 Agnya Knowledge Located at the base of the brain (at the level of the fore head)

6 Agnya Knowledge Characteristics 2 Petals Element: Light Color: Silver
Physical plexus: Crossing of optic thalamus (pineal and pituitary glands) Planet: Sun Place on hand: Ring finger

7 Agnya Knowledge Manifestation Sight Hearing Thinking

8 Agnya Knowledge The divine aspect of the Agnya chakra is the power of forgiveness within us. This aspect is called: Lord Jesus Christ (Mother Mary)

9 Agnya Knowledge Mantra for the Agnya chakra AUM twameva sakshat
Shri Mary Jesus sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namaha

10 Agnya Qualities Forgiveness Thoughtless awareness Resurrection
Humility and compassion

11 Agnya Benefits The power to forgive Humility Makes is peaceful
Makes us compassionate Mental silence

12 Agnya How to Balance Causes of problems Uncontrolled thinking
Fanaticism Worries Sexual fantasies Flirting, pornography Unforgiving nature Self-pity Can’t forgive yourself Living in the past Aggressive attitude Egoism Futurism

13 Agnya How to Balance Diseases Too much ego Too much super-ego
Deseases of the mind Deseases of the brain

14 Agnya How to Balance The Center Agnya chakra
Use the mantra of “Shri Mary Jesus” or “Shri Mahavishnu”. Use the affirmation “Mother, make me a forgiving and sacrificing person.” Give vibrations to the Agnya chakra. Know that when the Kundalini rises to your Agnya chakra, all your past sins are forgiven, and your Karma is dissolved. Forget the past, the future does not exist, just be in the present. Develop the state of thoughtless awareness - alert but not thinking. “Nirvichara Samadhi”. Use this state to dissolve your tendency to think too much. Say the Lord’s Prayer with your whole heart. Watch the Agnya of Shri Mataji’s photograph through a candle light. Apply vibrated kumkum or sandalwood oil on your Agnya chakra.

15 Agnya How to Balance The Left Agnya chakra
Use the mantra of “Shri Maha Ganesha” or “Shri Maha Bhairava”. Use the affirmation “Mother, by your grace, please forgive me.” Give vibrations to the back of the head. Without feeling guilty ask for forgiveness. Avoid all impure use of the eyes. Use candle treatment on the back of the head. Tapping on the back of your head, left hand towards the photo. Do not live in the past. Break any useless conditionings and habits. Surrender to the Super Ego of Shri Mataji. In severe cases use burning camphor bandhans on the back head. Rub Tigerbalm on the back of your head.

16 Agnya How to Balance The Right Agnya chakra
Use the mantra of “Buddha” or “Mahat Ahamkara”. Use the affirmation “Shri Mataji, I forgive everyone, including myself”. Give vibrations to the forehead also left top of head. Forgive everyone. Don’t allow unrealised people to touch your Agnya or your eyes. Where there is excessive heat in the front and left side or top of your head put an ice bag. Stop all meditative practices which involve the Agnya. Do not use concentration or visualisation techniques and abandon “mind control” methods, clairvoyance, hypnosis and other “Siddhis”, they are possessions and must be removed. Don’t be futuristic.

17 Agnya How to Balance Affirmations
Mother, I forgive everyone and I forgive myself. Mother, please forgive me any mistakes against my spirit, made either knowingly or unknowingly.

18 Let’s meditate now

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