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CSC 774 Advanced Network Security

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1 CSC 774 Advanced Network Security
Topic 5.2 Tree-Based Group Diffie Hellman Protocol Acknowledgment: Slides were originally provided by Dr. Yongdae Kim at University of Minnesota. Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

2 Membership Operations
Formation Group partition Member add Member leave Group merge Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

3 Membership Operations
Join: a prospective member wants to join Leave: a member wants to (or is forced to) leave Partition: a group is split into smaller groups Network failure: network event causes disconnectivity Explicit partition: application decides to split the group Merge: two or more groups merge to form one group Network fault heal: previously disconnected partitions reconnect Explicit merge: application decides to merge multiple pre-existing groups into a single group Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

4 Tree-Based Group Diffie Hellman
Simple: One function is enough to implement it Fault-tolerant: Robust against cascade faults Secure Contributory Provable security Key independence Efficient d is the height of key tree ( < O(log 2 N)), and N is the number of users Maximum number of exponentiations per node 3d Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

5 Key Tree (General) ggn1gn2n3 gn6gn4n5 gn1gn2n3 gn6gn4n5 n1 gn2n3 gn4n5
Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

6 Key Tree (n3’s view) = ggn1gn2n3 gn6gn4n5 ggn6gn4n5 ggn6gn4n5 n3 gn2n3
GROUP KEY Key-path: Set of nodes on the path from member node to root node GROUP KEY = ggn1gn2n3 gn6gn4n5 gn1 gn2 ggn6gn4n5 Co-path: Set of siblings of nodes on the key-path gn1gn2n3 ggn6gn4n5 gn1 gn2n3 ggn4n5 gn6 gn2 n3 gn4 gn5 Any member who knows blinded keys on every nodes and its session random can compute the group key. Member knows all keys on the key-path and all blinded keys Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

7 Join (n3’s view) n3 gn1 gn2 ggn1n2 gn3gn1n2 n3 Tree(n4) gn4
Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

8 Join (n3’s view) gn3gn1n2 ggn1n2gn3n4 n3 ggn1n2 n3 gn3n4 gn4 gn1 gn2
Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

9 Leave (n2’s view) ggn1n2gn3n4 gn1n2 ggn3n4 gn1 n2 gn3 gn4 gn1 n2
Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

10 Leave (n2’s view) ggn1n2gn3n4 gn1n2 ggn3n4 n2 gn3 gn4 n2 Dr. Peng Ning
CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

11 Leave (n2’s view) gn2’gn3n4 n2’ ggn3n4 gn3 gn4 Dr. Peng Ning
CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

12 Partition (n5’s view) ggn1gn2n3 gn6gn4n5 ggn1gn2n3 gn6gn4n5 gn1 gn6
ggn2n3 gn4n5 gn3 gn4 n5 n5 Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

13 Partition (n5’s view) gn1 gn2n3 gn4n5 gn3 gn4 n5 Dr. Peng Ning
CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

14 Partition (n5’s view) ggn1n3gn4n5’ ggn1n3 gn4n5 gn4n5’ gn1 gn3 n5 gn3
Change share Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

15 Partition: Both Sides gn1 gn6 gn2 gn3 gn4 n5 Dr. Peng Ning
CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

16 Partition: Both sides (N5 and N6)
ggn1n3gn4n5’ gn2n6’ ggn1n3 gn4n5’ gn2 n6 n6’ gn1 gn3 n2 gn4 n5’ Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

17 Merge (N2’s view) ggn1n2gn5gn3n4 gn7 gn6 gn1 gn1n2 gn1n2 ggn5gn3n4 gn1
Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

18 Merge (to intermediate node)
gggn1n2gn6n7gn5gn3n4 ggn1n2gn6n7 ggn5gn3n4 n1 gn1n2 ggn6n7 gn7 gn6 ggn3n4 gn5 gn1 n2 n2 gn3 gn4 Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

19 Tree Management: do one’s best
Join or Merge Policy Join to leaf or intermediate node, if height of the tree will not increase. Join to root, if height of the tree increases. Leave or Partition policy No one can expect who will leave or be partitioned out. No policy for leave or partition event Successful Still maintaining logarithmic (height < 2 log2 N) Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

20 Discussion Efficiency
Average number of mod exp: 2 log2 n Maximum number of round: log2 n Robustness is easily provided due to self-stabilization property Dr. Peng Ning CSC 774 Adv. Net. Security

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