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1 Shyness

2 Review What did we talk about last week?
We read an article. What was it about? What did you notice about your shyness during this last week? In which situations did you experience shyness this week? Did anything help you overcome your shyness? Review

3 Shyness Read the introduction of the article.
After reading about Megan, what should we assume about people who are shy? Remember that just because a person is shy does not mean they don’t have amazing abilities and talents. Shyness

4 Read “What Is Shyness?” What are the physical symptoms of shyness?
What is the opposite of shyness? Read “What Is Shyness?”

5 Read “Reacting to New Things”
When are people more likely to feel shy? Shy feelings can be ________, _______, & __________. Being shy is not necessarily the same as being ___________? Are you quiet or shy? Read “Reacting to New Things”

6 Read “Why Are Some People Shy?”
Two things help determine the shyness of someone. These are what? _______________ & ___________________ Read the section on genetics. What are genes? How many people have a genetic tendency to be naturally shy? Do you think you may fall into this percentage? Read the section on life experiences. What two ways of approaching a situation can influence the shyness of a person? What do the examples of other people do to teach a person about shyness? When you are faced with a new situation, how do you usually feel? How do the people in your life influence you? Read “Why Are Some People Shy?”

7 What are some of the strengths of people who may be shy?
How can you overcome shyness? _________________, ________________, & ___________________ Why is practice so important to managing shyness? How can you build confidence in a slow, but steady way? Why is it okay to feel awkward sometimes? Most importantly, what should you remember about managing your shyness? Read “Shy Strength”

8 Read “Why Shyness Is Extreme”
What are the downfalls of being extremely shy? Being extremely shy may influence your self-esteem and self-confidence. What might people who have extreme shyness need to do? Read “Why Shyness Is Extreme”

9 Read “Be True to Yourself”
Why should you be true to yourself? What does practicing socializing do? Remember the famous Dr. Seuss words: “Today you are YOU. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than YOU!” Read “Be True to Yourself”

10 “5 Ways to Shake Shyness”
Read #1. What is the tip in this section? Why is starting small a good idea for shy people? Read #2. Make a list of five good opening “conversation starters” for you to practice with this week. Read #3. When you are nervous about what to say, what might help you prepare? Read #4. Make a list of activities you’ve wanted to try. Why should you encourage yourself to try new activities and not be so critical of your mistakes? Read #5. What does being assertive mean? “5 Ways to Shake Shyness”

11 Next week we will take a short quiz to find out how shy you are
Next week we will take a short quiz to find out how shy you are. We will also do an activity where we get to introduce each other to other class members. Remember, if you are shy, it’s okay to feel a little nervous, but practice will make you more confident.  Try out one of those five steps to shake shyness this week. Next Week

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