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Beacon/Telemetry 12/8/2018.

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1 Beacon/Telemetry 12/8/2018

2 Overview Beacon Used to send satellite state information periodically to the ground station Packets follow APRS standard In addition to the ground station packets also logged at – can be accessed by other HAM users and can be used to plot graphs Consists of a total of 4 packets/messages Parameter Name Message: specifies the parameters each of the beacon value fields corresponds to Unit/Label Message: specifies units for the analog and labels for the digital data fields. Equation Coefficient Message: contains a set of 3 coefficients for each of the analog channels in the beacon packet Beacon: contains the raw analog (5 channels) and digital (8 channels) values in ASCII format Format and values for first 3 packets fixed and sent by the ground station Beacon packet sent by the satellite at predefined (adjustable) intervals 12/8/2018

3 Overview (contd.) Telemetry
Used to send additional satellite status information Packets are sent based on user requests rather than periodically KYSat custom format (not APRS standard) Can be used to send state information covered/not covered by the beacon Currently implemented by 2 packets (sizes variable from 0-45 bytes) 12/8/2018

4 Packet Framing Diagrams
Beacon 12/8/2018

5 Packet Framing Diagrams (contd.)
Telemetry 1 (42 bytes) 12/8/2018

6 Packet Framing Diagrams (contd.)
Telemetry 2 (40 bytes) 12/8/2018

7 Tasks and Libraries Beacon Task (beacon.c):
Forms the APRS compliant beacon packet Sends it to Packet_Tx at a predefined period (adjustable) Uses following: Functions/Macros TRY_BCN_PERIOD(unsigned char* period /* Minutes */, unsigned char bcn_interval /* OSTicks */); (waits for a beacon period) send_tx_bcn(unsigned char *data, unsigned char num_bytes); (send packet to Packet_Tx) Libraries “__cross_studio_io.h” “salvo.h” "kysat_com_lib.h" "beacon.h" "debug.h“ Telemetry Task (telemetry.c) Forms the custom telemetry packet on receiving command from Command_Parse Sends it to Packet_Tx for MIME/KS64 encoding Will also be used to implement other (future) commands GET_TLM_CMD(unsigned char* cmd, unsigned char* data, unsigned char* num_bytes); (gets command from Command_Parse) send_tx_raw( unsigned char cmd, unsigned char* data, unsigned char num_bytes ); (send raw unencoded packet to Packet_Tx) Same as beacon 12/8/2018

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