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Theory of Computation Languages.

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1 Theory of Computation Languages

2 Languages We’re well accustomed to at least one programming language
Whether that’s a low level language (like Assembly) Or a high level language (like Java) However, languages aren’t just restricted to creating programs We can use them to represent lots of different things Like pattern matching pieces of text!

3 Languages These non-programming languages can be split into two distinct categories Regular Languages Context-Free Languages They can both be used to represent/create words or phrases, or even whole programming languages! We’re going to look at an example of both categories Regular Languages: Regular Expressions Context-Free Languages: Backus-Naur Form We’ll see the differences between these two types during this presentation

4 Languages It is worth mentioning something before looking at these examples They can both end up with a similar result, but both are better at different kinds of expressions Regular Languages: small, singular expressions (like single words) Context-Free Languages: defining entire languages Both Regular and Context-Free languages are aimed at creating expressions (which could be sentences in a language, or statements in a programming language)

5 Regular Languages Regular languages have very specific, strict rules that work best for small text Like single words The rules set up in regular languages are also created in such a way that they can be used by Finite State Machines Specifically, Deterministic Finite Automata versions The most common regular language we see these days is Regular Expression Regex, for short

6 Regular Languages: Regex Overview
Regex is a popular regular language used primarily for pattern matching It’s alphabet is small and easy to use It works by creating an expression Which we can use to compare against any input If the input follows the rules of the expression, we return true Or the position of the match Otherwise we return false

7 Regular Languages: Regex Overview
We can also think of a Regex as representing a set Of all accepted inputs For example, say we wanted to create a set of inputs (using only 0s and 1s) The set only allows 0s, followed by 1s We cannot mix-and-match

8 Regular Languages: Regex Overview
The set comprehension for this would look like so However, we can simplify this into a single Regex expression That’s much simpler! Each symbol in regex has a certain rule associated with it 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡= 0 𝑥 1 𝑦 | 𝑥, 𝑦∈ℕ 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡= 0 ∗ 1 ∗

9 Regular Languages: Regex Rules
Here is a handy table for all the Regex symbols And their respective rules There are other symbols with rules, but any other ones will be explained next to exam questions requiring them Symbol Rule * 0 or more occurrences + 1 or more occurrences ? 0 or 1 occurrences | Alternation (either the left-side or the ride-side occurs) () Group rules into a priority (like how brackets work in maths)

10 Can you write at least three accepted inputs for the following Regex
Can you come up with a Regex for any UK mobile number? 𝑎+ 𝑏 ∗ 01 + 01+0 𝑎𝑏 ?| 𝑏𝑎 ? ∗

11 Regular Languages: Regex  FSM
Because of the simple, strict nature of Regex rules, it is really easy to turn one expression into its own Finite State Machine It takes some practice, but it is possible to make a FSM for all Regexes The best way to make one is to closely examine the rules used in an expression And the order they are used in

12 Regular Languages: Regex  FSM
If a Regex is being used to say true or false to an input, then the FSM will need two things A starting state At least one accepting state We can take any input we think of, and ‘feed’ it into the FSM Every character in the input is used as the input for that state Where the FSM will transition to the next state based off it If we consume the final character and finish on the accepting state, it is a valid input

13 Regular Languages: Regex  FSM
For example, we had the Regex 𝑎+ 𝑏 ∗ earlier This is the FSM for that expression

14 Regular Languages: Regex  FSM
The 𝑎 has the “1 or more” symbol (+) after it So we need at least one 𝑎 before getting to the accepting state However, we can then have as many of these as we want Until we move on to 𝑏 At that point, we can have has many of those as we want

15 Regular Languages: Regex  FSM
Here are some tips you can follow to create FSMs If it asks for 0 or more, be ready to either skip or ‘land’ on that state (by using it as an accepting state) If it asks for 1 or more, we can add a ‘transition’ state that uses at least one of those symbols Then have a transition to itself if needed For 0 or 1, the state itself needs to be accepting (unless its moving over to somewhere else) Then have a single state it can transition to using that symbol That state can then transition to other states as needed

16 Create state transition diagrams for the following Regexes
01 + 01+0 𝑎𝑏 ?| 𝑏𝑎 ? ∗

17 Convert the following FSM into a Regex

18 Context-Free Languages
Context-Free languages are similar to Regular languages They still use rules to define acceptable inputs However, rather then being strict like regular languages In that we can create FSM from them Context-Free languages are a lot more ‘loose’ And will often rely on recursion to freely ‘build-up’ an acceptable input

19 Context-Free Languages
We often form actual languages (whether they’re spoken or programming-based) from Context-Free rules Because of how free we can be with rules So, programming languages (like Java) are created using Context-Free rules That define first acceptable words (called lexemes) Then define acceptable statements (the syntax of the language)

20 Context-Free Languages: BNF
One common example of a Context-Free language is Backus-Naur Form It is a ‘language’ designed for creating other languages Using set rules BNF is created off the idea of terminals and nonterminals Terminals: hard-coded characters/symbols that are accepted Nonterminals: groups of terminals that can be replaced with terminals as needed

21 Context-Free Languages: BNF
We use BNF to create production rules Nonterminals that build up into accepted inputs We can check if an input is valid by breaking it down into its subsequent terminals And keeping track of the groups of nonterminals we used The output of breaking this input down is a syntax tree Let’s look at an example of BNF production rules first

22 Context-Free Languages: BNF Rules
We define any nonterminal via angular brackets And any raw text is understood to be terminal For example, here we create a nonterminal for a digit Using possible terminals for its value <digit>::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

23 Context-Free Languages: BNF Rules
Like in a Regex, the vertical bar | represents a choice So, a <digit> is a single number From 0 to 9 <digit>::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

24 Context-Free Languages: BNF Rules
We can then build up this into a <number> However, a number should be able to have one or more digits So, we start by saying a number is a single digit Then we say it could also be a digit followed by a number <digit>::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 <number>::= <digit> | <digit><number>

25 Context-Free Languages: BNF Rules
Since a number, itself, could be a digit, this leads to a recursive possibility For example, the number 123 would be broken up as the following 123 = <number 123> = <digit 1><number 12> = <digit 1><digit 2><number 3> = <digit 1><digit 2><digit 3>

26 Come up with the BNF production rules for a UK telephone number
Be sure to include all terminals/nonterminals needed Come up with the BNF production rules for a licence plate of a car Licence plates are made up of 4 letters followed by 4 numbers Letters include the alphabet, from A to M (all capitals) Numbers include digits, from 0 to 9

27 Context-Free Languages: Syntax Trees
Going back to the example of an input for a number The BNF production rules broke the input into the following sequence This creates a syntax tree (though it’s not obvious now) 123 = <number 123> = <digit 1><number 12> = <digit 1><digit 2><number 3> = <digit 1><digit 2><digit 3>

28 Context-Free Languages: Syntax Trees
The syntax tree would look something like this Note that we start with the topmost nonterminal <number> in this case Then we break it up into the smaller nonterminals Eventually ending up at the terminals

29 Create a syntax tree for each the following inputs (using your licence plate BNF rules from the previous exercise) PLAT3487 ABCD0123

30 Regular vs Context-Free
While regular languages tend to focus on small, strict rules involving small input Like what letters need to be followed by other letters Context-free languages focus on overall grammatical rules Like what words/expressions we can/cannot add after others Everything we can create in a programming language (like statements, if-statements, and class declarations) is because context-free languages are more grammatical in nature

31 Regular vs Context-Free
It also helps that context-free languages separate their rules into groups Different nonterminals That means we can (although recursively) define parts of a language using other parts of a language Via the nonterminals we put them in However, regular languages cannot have these different, split categories They require a single rule Using lots of symbols


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