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TDW-11: 24-28th April 2017, Noumea, New Caledonia

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Presentation on theme: "TDW-11: 24-28th April 2017, Noumea, New Caledonia"— Presentation transcript:

1 TDW-11: 24-28th April 2017, Noumea, New Caledonia
Part 1 + CMMs Getting your reporting in order TDW-11: th April 2017, Noumea, New Caledonia

2 The Task What you have to do Part 1 Scientific data provisions
Essential tables (catch, effort & fleet) Maps (effort) CMMs Various national fleet reports Transhipments in your zone Due July 10th

3 Part 1 Report Data Provided
For the ‘data provided’ section if you are here then the answer is probably “yes”.

4 Part 1 Report Essential Info ACEs (Annual Catch Estimates)
Tufman (3a-3b) Tufman (8a-8c) ACEs (sharks etc.)

5 Part 1 Report Tables and Figures ACEs ACEs Tufman (3a-3b)
Tufman (8a-8c) Tubs (1)

6 Part 1 Report Tables and Figures ACEs
Observer - Tubs (longline menu #13, purse seine menu #10) Logsheet – Tufman (recon menu #1.4 & #1.5) Unloadings/Port sampling – Tufman (recon menu #2.4)

7 Other Reporting Nice to have additions to the Part 1
Coastal state reporting (catch in EEZ) Information and background about the fishery Explaining major changes Artisanal catch, fleet and fishery information

8 The Best Way Prepare now!
Do a draft Part 1/CMM report here and get feedback Update the figures closer to the submission date for better coverage (some observer data still being processed) Get help on Slack if you need it

9 Thank You Any questions?

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